
The best meal I’ve ever had on a flight was on a Japan Airlines flight. Fresh noodles and a main protein with DELICIOUS fruit and a side salad. They also served fresh miso soup out of a thermos. I wanted to weep because it was so refreshing.

When I heard that each cookie was 6 servings per cookie I nearly had a panic attack.

Do we think Baby Billy has been seeing his sister the whole time? Maybe since he got struck by lightning?

I need a Memphis wrestling show from Danny McBride. He could play a mean Jerry “The King” Lawlor.

I need Danny McBride to make a show about Memphis wrestling. He could play a mean Jerry “the King” Lawlor.

I prefer Triss

It’s absolutely insane that he did not get roasted for that cat cake. I feel they were using kid gloves with him down the stretch. I’m still a bit irritated Jurgen wasn’t here but overall I’m happy with big G winning.

I thought the challenges this episode weren’t great. I’m glad I’m not the only one that thought that they were just fancy Twix for the technical.

Paul isn’t really shown to be terrible until Messiah. I hope there are cracks and red flags on the way, like in the book. But I doubt we will get many of this in pt 1. Praying to Shai Hulud we get a second that incorporates Messiah into it.

I think Chilaquiles is a top 3 breakfast meal in terms of flavor/texture. Top notch all the way around, especially when it all gets mixed together.

This always reminds me of it. This show is so fucking funny

The American Dream Daddeh!

I played Water Polo and Swam in high school and college and would eat cereal on the way to morning workout at 5am. Looking back, it was phenomenally dumb to be that tired, driving, and eating a liquid-based food out of a bowl.

Went to a Mexican food place near us to have a margarita and some restaurant chips and salsa. Let me tell you, nothing tasted so damn good.

Question: For us Left-Coasters are we going to be able to get this at Carl’s Jr? because this looks fantastic

I’ve had a couple bad experiences with rhubarb so I’m always wary to try some, but this looks delicious and will give it a shot.

Osaki is definitely my favorite brand. Might have to swoop on some for some california rolls this weekend.

“HENRY THOMAS” gets me every time

This was a great interview! Henry is a lot more thoughtful than most thing upon hearing him speak the first time. I hope he did his impersonation of his mother for you.

Ugh, been chasing the dragon that is the Stroopwaffle McFlurry ever since they got rid of it.