
Last year’s competition was Steph’s to lose, and she blew it in the final. It still infuriates me that at the end, bakers are only judged on a single challenge, rather than their performance over the course of the season. 

Has there ever been a finale where a contestant has screwed up so terribly in the first two bakes that they just totally take themselves out of the running? I feel awful for Laura, especially after I said last week that she shouldn’t even be in the finale and then she just went ahead and proved me right.

On a sidenote: Why does Snyder hate on Whedon’s cut so much, like it was a personal attack? He talks as if Whedon stole the film from him, but Snyder voluntarily left.

Ron Swanson wouldn’t give a fuck about bracelets OR stew. The broth and vegetables just get in the way of the meat. 

Mr. Exotic, is this really how you want to spend the 10 minutes you’re allowed on the computer?

“No one confesses on the stand,”

Any activity that is indoors and involves multiple people not wearing masks is dangerous right now. Viruses do not care about your social needs. Personally I cannot imagine dining in at a restaurant for the foreseeable future.

I firmly believe that the low quality of precut fruit-plate melon is one reason people think melon is bad.

Sorry Joe, you aren’t a Union shop and I am not patronizing businesses that refuse to do the bare minimum to respect or protect the workers they claim to cherish. This pandemic has ripped open the inequalities that have made the U.S. such a cruel international embarrassment.

Their special is amazing and its ok if you don’t like it or watch it.

We're really looking forward to this, and were planning on hitting the theater for it, which is rare for comedies. Kumail and Issa are worth it though.

As for Carole: it’s kind of telling that she spends her whole life trying to liberate big cats and then ends up consigning them to cages that are even smaller and more confined than the ones they were in at their old zoos and she doesn’t acknowledge how messed up that is.

I have so many mixed opinions about Chang. He's generally good on television but completely insufferable on his podcast. He comes across as narcissistic and frequently interrupts his guests. I wish I had never listened.

Never forget when he was an absolute asshole to the pizza delivery driver for, heaven forbid, having to do a ride along segment for his show.

Despite touting her plans I feel Warren supporters are more and more starting to have some para-social relationship with her. She has terrible polling with PoC and won’t win a single state going into Super Tuesday. People still pumping her campaign are doing it being they feel personally involved. I don’t want to be

No one can really agree on what it tastes like - it varies from person to person.

Yeah, you do. They’ve been making regular appearances in my dinners this month. 

I may just have to make a giant batch of the cranberry pickled onions on their own. Rest of nachos be damned.

I ate so much pudding developing this recipe, which was fine by me since it’s my favorite dessert. That pumpkin one is freaking incredible. Make that and pour it into a pie crust if you want. 

They’re not pies. They’re pie-flavored Snack Packs for Snacksgiving.