

Well I’d rather die than spend six hours on a flight, sober and awake 

As a wegovy user, I look forward to the legal commercials of the future that are like “If you or someone you loved took semaglutide containing drugs between 20xx and 20xx and developed xxx, xxx, xxx symptoms call us today.”

“The last thing we need is the reemergence of a fast-killing mystery sickness from the past.”

Well, the panspermia theory actually kind of emulates the precursor idea, though not in the deliberate sense. The idea being that since bacterium can survive in cosmic vacuum, then it’s likely that genetic material can be transferred via space debris that fall into the accretion disk of a forming solar system and thus

The final insult: the woodcut shows that due to the increase in deaths, the deceased didn’t even get an individual coffin.

Or Pocari Sweat, which is a Japanese sport drink.

Another question would be why outbreaks occurred repeatedly?  Was there a type of cyst or something that victims would shed that would allow for a new colony of bacteria or virus to reemerge later?

Picardy sweat

I remember reading something once where a scientist said, based on biology, energy use, function, etc. (and many of the things you noted), that if we were to meet advanced aliens, most likely they would HAVE to either resemble humans in general ways, just due to brain size and energy requirements, diet to supply that

I would expect life in the galaxy, even in our solar system, advanced technological civilization is another matter.

Not to mention these “experts” have a sample size of one to base all their assumptions off of, which is nothing in the big scheme of things, There could be a planet out there inhabited by dolphin like aquatic creatures that are human level intelligent, discounting the MAGA crowd, and we’d probably never know it since

Its also important to understand, that Intelligence isn’t an end game goal of Evolution. Earth has produced a lot of /smart/ animals But as far as we are aware intelligence eon a human scale once. Earth also had single celled creatures as its sole residence for billions of years and multicelled life forms as far as we

Try developing electricity underwater for example.

well, really really really fucking big and really really really fucking old in our time scale. They can rise, fall and rise and fall again, and we’d never know it because it could have happened already before we were even a concept. Or it hasn’t happened yet. Or it’s happening now, but it’s too far away for us to EVER

To be fair, Star Trek copped out with the Deus Ex Machina explanation that all those “human with prosthetic makeup” aliens (including humans) were seeded across the galaxy by an ancient precursor species.

The more I ponder it, the more I wonder if we might actually end up with other “tool using” life forms that look a lot like us.

If intelligent life is common, why haven’t we found any evidence of it?

I feel like this has an incredibly narrow definition of “life” and “civilization.”

Meeting new lifeforms and civilizations isn’t going to be like Star Trek where everyone just looks like they have a lot of prosthetic make up on. We might encounter an advanced civilization and not even realize it because it doesn’t

This would help explain why we haven’t detected any signals from other civilizations yet.”