
That’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time. (Strokes wispy white beard thoughtfully...)

God, I lost so many quarters in those  back in the day...

It’s probably they’ve been ‘captured’ by the Japanese equivalent of MBAs. Where it’s more important to maximize every single profit center than put out an excellent phone with excellent customer support - and if that compromises quality or user satisfaction then so be it.

And it’ll go that way, until they realize what

Like the BBC and Dr Who.

CE4K - Now in high definition!

I think Boeing’s already losing money on it. I wouldn’t be surprised if they just go “Ya know, it’s been fun but we can’t really do this. You might want to talk to SpaceX, see if they’ll do an adapter for the Dragon capsule...”

Their asses aren’t going to be in the capsule. If they were, I wonder if they’d be so confident?

Yeah - they say it’s ready to fly. I wouldn’t until after a couple of unmanned shots.

Nah, more the “I’m trying to build my brand here, so I’ll be an asshole to a benefactor and that’ll really show everyone what I am.”  He’s building his brand with this - is it a good one?

Puff piece? No - more of a “Hey this isn’t CNN where I can be a fucking asshole to an interview subject” sort of thought.

What kind of idiot...

Good ol’ clickbait - can’t keep the lights on without clicks, and I’d imagine after losing Deadspin they’re income isn’t what it used to be.

Gotta get the clicks. Deadspin’s loss won’t help the bottom line, and the lights won’t stay on without revenue...

There were actually a couple of attempts, but the would-be hijackers (if they weren’t just garden-variety crazies) got quickly beat down by other passengers.

In the end, it’s the parents that have the money, and decide where it’s going to be spent.  And not taking that into account is one of the biggest mistakes Disney’s made.

We can aim pretty precisely - it’s the slowing down at the end that’s hard. If you don’t mind making a crater, it’s not hard to land on the Moon at all.

I remember when they mandated seat belt interlock switches. Lot of people (on all sides of the political spectrum) just left the belt buckled and sat on it. Then they went to self-tightening shoulder belts - which were a pain in the ass and a lot harder to bypass.

Thus no control for the light - it’ll be considered off until an exemption’s filed, at which point it will be considered on.

Had a 2002 Honda CR-V. Visibility was excellent, was considered a very safe car at the time as I recall. It was practically a rolling greenhouse compared to cars today.

67. Hell, I had friends back in the ‘70s who didn’t believe in seat belts. Idiots. “I’d rather be thrown from a car if I have a wreck and end up in a river.” Yeah, like that’s so frequent.