
Ah Hell. I took twice as many fiber pills as I should and had Taco Bell for lunch yesterday. I’m going to have an investigation team in my house when I get home aren’t I?

You don’t eat snacks on road trips?

If you don’t understand the connection between 7 Eleven (especially Japanese 7 Eleven) and Car Culture, I dont know what to tell you bud.

Since when the hell is Maryland the “South”?

watching videos of people going through 7-elevens in Japan”
We watch quite a few of the guy doing the overnight train rides and ferries in Japan.  I think I started with the vending machine ferry.

My wife would flip if we got a 7-eleven with that kind of stuff. She loves watching videos of people going through 7-elevens in Japan.

I used to travel to Japan for work, frequently. One of the highlights of that trip each time was when we’d finished our business and boarded the 90 minute train back to Tokyo. I’d always purchase 2 ikura onigri and 2 Asahi tallboys from the train station 7-11. $8 total; riding in style!!

I think it really depends on location. I don’t think any of this sells around my house, but maybe.

It’s bots fighting bots, with a few random people staring at it bored.

Checking boxes forever? Sounds like DEI Consultant Simulator: The Game.

Autism’s a hell of a condition which rests on a spectrum.

The catch is that many other people are playing the game at the same time...

Reminds me of a manual version of Core War.

It feels as if script bots are involved at this point, and they appear to be warring with one another. You can scroll down to some arbitrary point and be met by a haphazard jumble of ticked and empty boxes, with no visible activity at all. You start ticking boxes, and very quickly, someone/thing will untick your boxes

Recently convicted felon hired as an election official. What could go wrong?

It’s almost like the audience they were pandering to was nowhere near big enough to carry the show.

How to sum it up in a single sentance - aboslute garbage and by far the worst season ever with ratings to prove it

Year of Hell Janeway is a badass. I’ll always be upset that we didn’t get this as a full season, but in the end we got it in spirit with Battlestar Galactica

Ancient Mariner?

Always thought that Janeway prep, including the tank top was a direct homage to Ripley’s prep and arming scene in the elevator at the end of Aliens.