
Kind of like how the casinos in Las Vegas lost money on the food and parking, etc, and now charge for everything. I was there during the end of the mob days (See the movie “Casino”, which was based on a neighbor of my mother (The DeNiro character) and my neighbor(The Joe Pesci character). I walked dogs with Tony “The

How do companies think this sort of nonsense is a good move? Pissing off your customers is not a good long term strategy. I have other things where the manufacturers severely limit replacement parts not sold by them, and there are companies making improved parts for less money. I don’t understand the logic behind

I have a Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 3 and it is still working well. I was thinking about replacing the battery, but this is good information to know the hassle I will get trying to buy OEM parts. Interestingly, to replace the Flip screen protector you *had* to take it in to iFixIt, because the protector is flexible and

The Hilton in Las Vegas ran Star Trek: The Experience for 10 years. It was also just a corner of the hotel and a show.

Those are really cool, nerdy, vows.

I think they meant the series will air in the next 3 years, but that is about as confusing as the Netflix renewal.

I assumed they were being cagey because there are obvious ways in which books two and three could each be split into two seasons if they wanted to dive more deeply into the story. So at this point I imagine the real plan is: “We’re approving you for between two and four more seasons depending on how the writing goes”

I totally agree, the pause between seasons in TV is starting to become very detrimental to the shows themselves.

I wholeheartedly agree.  In 3 years, I won't even remember the show.  They need to get this out by mid 2025 at the latest.


I’m a diabetic and was prescribed Trulicity for glucose control. I got gastroparesis fairly quick. It sucks bad. I was throwing up all the time, could barely eat anything, and I was often in pretty acute pain. You do not want gastroparesis. If you’re taking these drugs and you begin feeling anything wonky in your

Agreed, eh?

We’re good at it, but we’re not the only pro’s. I’d argue that there are other countries even better than we are at giving no fucks about the future costs of our current actions and policies. 

looking to sell it to help build a hockey rink in his hometown

My mom’s Ford Escort did that in 1981.

As long as Spielberg UFO film idn’t a legacy sequel to Close Encounter of the Third Kind, we’re good.

I’ll give SpaceX a pass. While Mars hasn’t happened yet, the work is clearly ongoing. They promised us self-landing boosters and mad scientists delivered. This alone changed the space travel upside down. I don’t even think Musk has any significant involvement in SpaceX development at this point. 

You're simply ridiculous 

I’ve found that most people, ordinary non-car fans unlike Jalops, seem to be happy in a 55-75mph speed range. They don’t, generally, seem to want to go up to 80mph.

Definitely a weird statement by the author. At most you might be able to say it kind of refined the formula, or maybe comment on the level of CGI for spectacle, but it still was more just a culmination of all the trends of the 90s. You can maybe give it some credit for helping bring back magic and fantasy elements to