
Oops, someone forgot to defrag...

You make no sense whatsoever. Down with you !!!

That’s the thing with both Voyager Probes. They completed their missions. They did exactly what we wanted them to do. The fact that they are still working and sending back data is all bonus. You can argue they are the most successful NASA program in the history of the organization. Even surpassing the moon

Pretty amazing , in operation for 50 years getting blasted with space radiation and just recently quit. The old technology maybe helped with those big ass transistor regions. 

Right, never has something so offensive, ever been so true....

or that it’s just worn out after operating for 46 years.”

Working on such old hardware, so far away is the coolest shit ever.

You had me at cruller shaped device.  

Yeah, because that's pretty much the only people who can afford them

It sounds like you're referring to Amazon's online service and stopped reading before the second paragraph. 

For the record, Tesla’s Optimus bot is pretty capable of carrying out impressive  feats of skill. The writer is probably confused by the video of the bot folding T shirts, which was apparently in early phases of training. Other tasks are now completely automated. Do not, at your peril, underestimate what these

My understanding is that the gas stove/childhood asthma link is somewhat controversial.  Emily Oster did a good analysis of that here:  

I would love to make my house more efficient but we can’t justify the costs and how long it takes to recoup the investment. I have a great roof for solar, both sides get alot of sun throughout the day and it’s only a few years old. The pricing around me seemed to be around 20k average and from reading other peoples

That would be a weird way to phrase or compare it. The comparison you made sounds much better as it’s true apple-to-apples comparison.

If I were an astronaut, I would be very hesitant to fly in it.

So astronauts onboard with no successful uncrewed test flights? Sounds good Boeing /s

Given all the problems with this vehicle. NASA should really insist on one more unmanned flight to test all of these modifications. But I suspect NASA is to frightened to do so as they fear Boeing withdrawing from the project all together.

Hopefully the crew survives the launch and re-entry.

  • “Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway.” ― John Wayne.

It’s all fun and games until the door flies off mid-flight.