
As an engineer who works on government contracts, lazy programming is par for the course.

Looks like you’ve pun-ctured my joke XD

They only re-tire if they’ve had a Goodyear. All those Continental flights, all Coop(er)ed up in the wheel well..... 

I’d like to know where the hatred stems from.

need to curb the use of puns, its tire-ing. 

They get early re-tire-ment?

Y’d have thought that after Apollo 1, we’d have had a very thorough look into “spaceship fires”.

I’ve been around since the console wars were between Atari and Mattel Electronics.

Oh for sure. We need that competition and as many differentiating factors as possibly contributes to that.

This is exactly why fanboys are idiots when they want one or the other to fail.  If only one of these companies is ever left standing, you can be rest assured you’ll get the minimum possible effort on future consoles.

The greatest technical leap... on what metric? Because if it’s in pure processing power, each generation added more to the previous one than the one before, so it’s no big deal. If we look at it in percentage, it’s probably less clear. But if we look at something a little more subjective such as “visual fidelity”,

I am in full support of regulations like safety, emissions, etc.

Glad to see ageism is alive and well. I’ve always supported the advancement of safety in cars, and I’m 60 years old.

Most of the “fat” on those trucks is for crumple zones. Modern engines look absolutely tiny inside of the engine bays, with a lot of empty space just for padding.

I’ll go a step farther and say they’re getting rid of them before they have to pay the credit card bill for them!

Apple already said they were not gonna allow porn apps

They’re returning them for the same reason you’re writing the article, to get clicks. We all know once they have better app support and get cheaper they’ll all go back and get them again, but it’s an essentially free way for them to get content since they’re just getting all their money back.

I didn’t think I’d ever feel bad for an airline, but here we are.

For every new Federal regulation there should be a requirement to remove two others.

Yea, I probably should have elaborated. I do accounting in corporate environments. They know all of the rules and regulations that surround these planes and what they need to do to get them operating. This is just one they missed filing and prefer blaming outdated laws.