
Is it possible ?

The land isn’t even slated for Conservation. A conservation group was thinking about bidding on it but there is no guarantees they would have won even if Space X didn’t want it. They had not even secured funding for it yet.

SpaceX is trying to acquire 43 new acres, but the land it’s offering in return is already protected”

I don't doubt there's probably a Polish or Indian Techy guy already on his way there with his tool kit to fix it. God knows what he'll charge plus travel expenses too? 

ah that explains why ahahah

I dunno... I’ve watched Moana with my kids like 50 times, and Frozen maybe twice. I never even let them know Froze existed for like 5 years because I didn’t want to be hearing that damn song 20 times a day. On the whole, I like Moana way better. There’s no obvious (to adults) villain turn, and I think the plot/theme

Yeah, I’m actually encouraged by this. There’s way too many series in general that fatten themselves up on needless padding just to stretch to 8+ episodes. Hone in on your story and pull it off in 100 minutes.

I hadn’t thought about it like that, but to me Frozen did not land much because I guess I don’t have the same emotional struggles Elsa dealt with, but Moana yearning to *do* something with her life struck more of a chord with me. Both movies were, to some degree, about healing and getting over rejection, but in Frozen

Series-to-film does not usually bode well, but given how many D+ series of late have felt like “movie plot bloated out to be an eight-episode series”, we might get lucky...

Admittedly, having self published a book, it’s incredible how many times you can proofread something and still find errors.

And you didn’t spend any of those years living in the harshest environment in the universe! Voyager is playing *HARDCORE* survival mode.

The Washington one wasn’t even a bomb, it was a missile body without a warhead.

I gotta tell you, at just over 50, I myself am also starting to stutter a bit!

here in germany this would just be a regular wednesday

Garbage in, garbage out...

Subtract the fake and multiple profiles, those that are already run by an AI and/or Catfish, I could imagine those 5000 were 50 real fast.

She is not suing under constitutional free speech however. California law prohibits employers from punishing employees for political activity/affiliation. One of her allegations is that by firing her, her employer was punishing her for political activity and affiliation, which is unlawful in the state.

This case isn’t about the 1st amendment, or free speech. it’s about wrongful termination, and cast members being treated differently. None of us knows if any of it will hold up on court unless the case goes to court.

Right but that’s not what she is actually filing her lawsuit under. She is suing that she was fired for being a member of a protected class.

Even if it’s true that he’s responsible for what’s on his platform (and therefore presumably liable for it), what exactly would be the lawsuit here?