
right, but my point is, FH could carry the Orion Capsule and Service Module GTO almost fully fueled. the difference between GTO and MTO is not a whole lot and a F9 could meet it in GTO and give it either a boost to MTO or more fuel to get it there for under 10% of the cost.

this whole enterprise has been social welfare

this was supposed to be the cheap, fast option. non-developmental and using legacy engines and systems. somehow that morphed into $26B and 6 years late and $4B/launch, when SpaceX can launch 40, yes 40, falcon heavies for $4B, and make a profit doing it.

you could do the same moon mission using 1 falcon heavy and one

I want to believe, and I’m way more exited than I expected to be, but yeah, not a great track record so far.

You are looking for handouts though, you want your free $10k and you don’t care that people who make less than you that didn’t go to college won’t be afforded any benefit, and in theory will have to pay for your freebie.

It’s nothing like that. You just wanted to call someone a name. 

Ok, will you come pay my house mortgage then since I’ve been paying on that with interest? 

To get rid of the debt you have to pay a lot more than minimums. The minimums just keep you in debt.

So I should pay off your loans so you can take a shot at starting your own company? Nobody made you take a pay cut to do that. You made that choice.

The other move the government should have done is stopped guaranteeing student loans. This would have normalized tuition costs, because lenders would have to look at student repayment odds. This in turn hopefully would drive up enrollment in trade schools (which my mother and father both did and were very successful).

Being a “founder at a relatively successful startup” and not being able to find $40k does not add up.

Yes, it is a different discussion, one that you brought up. 

The problem is subsidizing doesn’t make education cheaper; it just changes who pays for it. The government needs to start imposing WAY more control over how much people can take out for loans to pay for schools. Potential students can basically borrow unlimited dollars for schooling, meaning schools have an incentive

It was ALWAYS nearly impossible to discharge student loan debt through bankruptcy. I filed Chapter 7 in 2004 when I was dead broke with no assets and $20K in student loan debt. Not one penny of the student loan debt was dischargeable.

The federal deficit is all money that taxpayers didn’t “give” the government. Money printer go brrrrrrrr. This debt will never be “paid off.”

Going to guess that even if I was part of a Corinthian college “scam” school and paid off my loans a few years ago, they aren’t going to cut me a check for $10k. 

So does this apply to students who have not yet attended college? If it doesn’t, it feels a little like a random lottery for a small tranche of students that happened to go to college at just the right time. They win while everyone else pays an obligation that these lottery winners pledged to pay themselves. I can’t

“It’s like déjà vu all over again.”

I was recently at Orlando visiting Disney, Universal Studios and Kennedy Space Center, place I would go back to first is the KSS. Not enough time in one day to take in all the different halls of exhibits and history that is on display. Spent most of the day at the Apollo/Saturn V exhibit. Definitely worthwhile to

It amazes me that many people in my area (1 hour from Kennedy, all launches are visible) have no idea this is even happening. WE ARE GOING TO THE MOON! Maybe it is because I am only 32 and it has never happened in my lifetime. This is the first mission of the new moon program. I don’t know how we as a nation can work

Given they didn’t quite finish the Wet Dress, all that sounds like a real crapshoot.