
Boeing is a major contractor.  Your expectations are valid.

Did the same thing. I was buying inkjets new every 2.5 years. Epsons, then Canons. I said f-it. Bought a Xerox color laser that has lasted me for the past 9 years. It doesn’t complain if I don’t use it for months at a time and a set of toner doesn’t cost the same (or more) as a new printer.

Moral of the story: Don’t buy a consumer printer and give it a professional workload?

Why do I expect “Boom”!

Any effort by comics companies to make their characters or continuities more “movie”-able is bound to be short-lived, if not doomed to outright failure. The New 52 is a textbook example.

I can’t believe they left out The Suicide Squad, which spawned the best live action DC item ever: Peacemaker.

Warner Bros.’ biggest problem with the DC Universe is that the studio has always been confused and embarrassed by the characters, even though they’re both parts of the same conglomerate.

Aquaman, Shazam, and Harley Quinn were all great in their own various ways”

I’ve got a good test, too. I order what looks good to me on the menu. My wife orders what looks good to her. If we both like what we ordered, we judge it to be a good restaurant. Hasn’t failed us yet.

This is why we cannot have nice things

I had forgotten about nonsense like DataPlay, back when the music industry could not get out of its own way when it came to digital music. Almost every year, there was some new approach that it pitched as the future of music but was actually intended to lock things down as tightly as possible. Consumers were

Amen, Gizmodo was great back then, now I just started to check it out a few times a week after a few months when I almos forgot about its existence, the pregnancy data report was pretty good though.

Visit this new tech website and you were presented with a spartan webpage consisting of a single vertical news feed containing tiny images next to short blurbs. At birth, Gizmodo provided readers with a brief overview, an occasional witty opinion, and... that’s about it.

While I agree, it’s pretty darn clear at this point the state of the art in stoopud has been advancing much, much faster. Oh, and also Russia seems to have gone right back to the Soviet model.

the USSR was not a functional country. It wasn’t just a matter of regulation, it was also their education system, worker compensation, how people were assigned jobs, the political pressures placed on the power grid, the fact that if a technician tried to raise safety concerns they could see themselves imprisoned under

In Soviet Russia, kettle cook you!

“Containment vessel” is being awfully generous. 

Exactly. Chernobyl was a perfect storm of engineering design failures, design choices made without understanding their implications (the tips of the control rods actually INSERTING reactivity during SCRAM situations), poorly designed tests, poorly trained operators that didn’t realize they were poisoning the reactor

Now playing

The titles misleading. The Russos had nothing to do with it. Editor Jeff Ford is the one who suggested Stark’s parting line, and I really hope that he was properly rewarded because it’s absolutely perfect.

What I loved about that line, and I’m sure that Jeff Ford was thinking the same, is that it’s a callback to this

Oh I think you can enforce your way out of it. If the penalties are harsh enough it will eventually stop. Seems lame to stop after only impounding 6 cars. Sit a cop car on either end of that bridge 24/7 and lock em up and take their stuff if they do anything stupid.