
Speaking of character, one of my favorite character arcs is Meredith Rodney Mckay. He went from insufferable genius who gets in the way to a legitimate character with depth and charm. I love his solo episodes in Atlantis.

While we should be dealing in accurate numbers, I wouldn’t put “only” and “9K” together. For a lot of people, that’s “Welp, time for a new car” money.

Focusing on ‘boomers’ is really starting to get a bit much on this site. You think they’re the problem right now? That they’re the ones pushing this kind of thing? God no - Gen X and Millennials are every bit as bad. And probably worse for at this point. I get that it’s depressing to confront the fact that it’s “our

Welllll, they kinda are.....who else would read this shit? It’s not innovative journalism or WSJ analysis of current economic events. Most of it isn’t even original, it’s a rehash of something they googled last night. It’s like most of the internet and social media, made for the teeming masses. It’s really speaking to

I’m not going to mention the stores I frequent, but the ones that align culinarily with the brand don’t seem to be short on any of the cock-branded condiments, with best-by dates at least 18 months out.

I had no idea there was a shortage. I have a mostly full bottle from September of last year. Opening bid is $250.

Counterpoint: Who cares

I think you’re misinterpreting what I’m saying. All I’m saying is that the recent rise in gas prices isn’t corporations suddenly becoming more greedy than they were before. They’re always making decisions with respect to maximizing shareholder profit; recent rises in gas prices are a reflection of the same calculus

In a free market, using open and honest practices to maximize profit is a company’s job, as the author points out. To an Exxon shareholder, it’s an expectation. Considering supply and demand can result in higher profit, and most corporations aren’t engaged in deceptive practices, price gouging, etc. (monitored by

Biden is such a twit. Apparently we’d like to rely on the Middle East again for our oil. Since we’re reliving the 1970’s, the next thing will be 200 hostages while the President does nothing until his successor is announced. Even Europe is backpedaling on green energy, and they don’t have our oil underground. I’m all

It’s all just for the optics. Like most of his joke of a presidency. 

How often do rockets explode?

Now playing

Easiest way I’ve found with keeping up generally with everything going on down there is watching Space This Week. First segment every week (comes out Mondays, put together over the weekend) covers pretty much everything SpaceX wise. Collects a lot of the information (including graphics showing progress) in one nice

It didnt appear to suffer structural damage so could have just been a fuel-air explosion producing a loud bang and fire without doing much damage, still likely at a minimum several of the engines will have been damaged though.

So... anyone else rather disappointed in this film? Like, don’t get me wrong, there was lots to enjoy, but... if Ragnorok was a 10/10 (and it was), this very much wasn’t.

Completely agree that Jane got short thrift in regards to being worthy of Mjolnir.  Also, it would have been great to see the other fallen Asgardians like Odin, Frigg, Hogun, Fandral, etc, but especially Loki.  Loki welcoming her to Valhalla would have been the perfect way to close out their story.

Perhaps but she died because she picked up Mjolnir and went into battle one last time. The idea being, if she stayed back in New Asgard, she may have been okay but she chose to sacrifice her life to save others.  Whatever magic determines that one is worthy of Valhalla probably understood that.  At least that’s how I

Does succumbing in the battle against cancer count as dying on the battlefield? Was it close enough to her duel with Gorr that this qualifies? Was Thor mislead about the actual criteria for entering Valhalla? Was this Jane’s wish from Eternity, & Thor didn’t realize he could make a wish too?

This was such a strange movie to me. I hated the movie, but my kids loved it. I felt like this was the first movie in the “Dad Thor” storyline because it definitely felt like a fairy tale and not as a real course of events in the MCU. (I understand Korg was narrating to kids). At no time did I feel the characters were

I guess that’s what I just haven’t fully put together in my head. Game journalism isn’t real, anymore. It doesn’t exist. This site a blog with a few articles as PR for companies. And all the news covered is just to generate clicks, which is why there’s a focus on writing the same Diablo article every few days and