
It is a time proven method, not just for conservatives. Point to something, say “that is the enemy” and (hopefully) unite the people behind you.

I’m not saying there’s never a time to clear your cache, but the entire design purpose of a cache is to speed things up. Clearing it will normally (by design) cause some additional slowness as the cache is rebuilt.

If it’s built from a bunch 1970s hardware, using 1970s design paradigm, how does SLS qualify as ‘next gen’ in any capacity?

You answer is Elon Musk, otherwise forget it. This guy will be saying hi from Marsto a government who cannot get out of low earth orbit for 60 years. 

Wade Wilson would have done it if he could) and he wouldn't have been squeamish about it.

Starship is the biggest one I’m hoping for (those cost savings could potentially be revolutionary), but I’m also really looking for to Relativity Space’s competitor for Falcon 9, and maybe for Blue Origin to eventually get a New Glenn launch (although I doubt we’ll see that before 2024 at the earliest).

There is absolutely nothing futuristic about the SLS. And if New Glenn ever launches I’ll be amazed.

hello confirmation bias.

There is no correlation. It does some people good others harm, and there is no generalization applicable.

Yeah I don’t really see that one as being worthy of being on a “worst of” list. The only real potential issue was the pollution part, and even that wasn’t really any worse than just taking your baby to the park or something.

Wait, what’s so bad about that? I recognize you will run into problems like getting arrested if you try to do that with your kids now, but that’s probably more a question of modern society being paranoid than an accurate assessment of the danger. The world is far safer in most places now than it was back in the day.

Not gonna lie, I want and could use one of those baby window cages. Kid loves being outdoors, but our tiny apartment doesn’t give her that option. Let’s bring this one back!

Well my Mom said when she was pregnant with me (long ago in 1965) she was advised to smoke to keep her weight down.
Apparently the thought was a baby weighs 8-10 pounds, so a woman shouldn’t gain much more than that during her pregnancy.

My theory is that sleeping on their backs prevents SIDS because they NEVER ACTUALLY SLEEP.

They essentially did given the percentage of American adults who smoked during that time period.

Seconded. For the future, I wish Matt Reeves would also include some more fantastical elements of Batman. Fantasy and Noir can mix surprisingly well, e.g. Cat People, Kiss Me Deadly, Blade Runner etc.

Well, I think some of it is the Shared Universe Problem. It is similar to Sequelitis but much worse.

If handled correctly, a Ghostbusters universe could work.

I would love for it to be it’s own franchise of movies. Something about the D+ Star Wars series feel physically empty. IDK why this is. Star Trek, The Orville, and Halo all feel populated, but SW feels very lonely on TV.
EDIT: The animation doesn’t have the problem I described and Kenobi was a little better about it

Afterlife was fine.

I liked Afterlife, at least more than the 2106 movie. As long as the kids are back, I’m in. Finn Wolfhard had more to do than he did in the latest season of Stranger Things, and McKenna Grace was a revelation!