
Not to be the killjoy here, but basically it running via a PC and being streamed to the teeny tiny little screen is not running Doom, IMO. It has to actually run Doom to count.

Indeed. All this really signals is that nobody outside of the review process has thrown up any roadblocks. Yet. Anyone paying attention to the aerospace industry is intimately familiar with how badly the usual suspects want to stop the SpaceX steamroller, and that they’re more than happy to use any methods

GENOS: “Master, is it true that you’re the strongest hero?”

SAITAMA: “Not quite, Genos...because nothing’s stronger than family...”

Sad indeed. I also maintain that the advent of tinted windows in most mini vans / SUV’s also diminishes your desire/ability to stare out the window at the scenery. I spent a lot of time in the way back of our Vista Cruiser with my brother on road trips being able to clearly look out those (except the dark tinted

My wife and I are in the midst of a 2800 mile round trip by car to see relatives. Plane tickets, once wonderfully cheap, were looking like $700 each way apiece, and we have the schedule flexibility of having our own car with us. It does help that we like a road trip, of course. Took the dog and several bags without an

My billing rate is a lot more than 10 bucks an hour. 

What Oldsmobile came out with this logo I posted on a BBS that it looked like an Infiniti logo drawn by a dyslexic 6 year old.

There is no amount of money I wouldn’t sacrifice to not be on a bus for 42 hours. I would sell plasma before I took a bus ride that long. The last time I did that was because my choices to get to my location was either a 10k chartered heli, or a 12 hour mountain pass bus ride to my destination in the Himalayas. 

yes, time to spend 40%+ more for a car, so you can “save” money. got it. 

I’d be curious to know how much of current retail gas prices is due to the cost of oil, the bottleneck in refining capacity, and market speculation. I know it’s a complex puzzle, but each of these factors in concert seems to fuck us over. 

I always find it interesting that people are surprised that the public continues to buy gas. For most places the public transit is garbage or significantly cut back do to staffing/etc. and due to the cost of real estate in a metropolitan area a commute to work is a necessity when remote work isn’t allowed or possible.

Fair point, but I was talking about claims in overall lifecycle gains in BEV vs. ICE. If you’re moving people from A to B it takes energy.

Has little to do with profit and much more to do with average American also doesn’t want to give up the freedom of driving. After riding around in NYC’s MTA, I’d never live in a city where I can’t drive my own car so I don’t have to sit next to the mentally ill every day on the way in to work.

You’d be amazed how efficient they are at all that. I’m surprised it’s even 1 gallon to every 4, my guess is the oil companies are more efficient than that in reality.

If you’re going to count the one gallon for every four gallons used on the BMW, where’s the count for getting the fuel to the power plant?!?! They had to throw that little twist in there to make sure the BEV still looked good. I see nothing for charging losses either.

Same for the Tesla, it has seats and plastic trim panels too. 

That’s pretty much my point. The response to one while the silence to the other, be it optics, racism or both, is bullshit. Also by everyone, I mean specifically the people in the industry that were singing a different tune a month or however long ago that was.

I guess we are only traumatized by violence from people in Hollywood when they’re Black or when someone famous in Hollywood is on the receiving end of it. Also really telling that one slap made everyone afraid to touch an actor with a ten foot pole, meanwhile Ezra seems to be in love with assaulting people and everyone

To be fair, you as a Jalopnik commenter might not be the typical car buyer.