
One (compound) word: Clickbait

For what it’s worth, the advice I always give to new or returning players is this: don’t try to do ‘everything’. Treat Destiny like a theme park - rather than running around in a tizzy trying to do everything at once, or trying to force yourself to keep to a schedule of the most ‘efficient’ (and miserable) grind,

What’s also kind of hilarious is that, with the last expansion, they created activities that you had to solo if you wanted the unique exotics on offer... which meant they were also punishing players who only wanted to play co-operatively.

One of the things they’ve talked about with the upcoming expansion is... actual difficulty scaling based on number of players in your fireteam*. Which is, you know, a) fantastic, and b) something this game really should have had from the start, seven years ago. 

As a returning Destiny player, you’re totally right that they should have just launched Destiny 3.

I think I agree with this. Like people go the “no MMO does this” route, but then most MMOs don’t look like Destiny 2. There’s a difference between monsters who simply aggro you in FFXIV and enemies with A.I. meant to simulate intellignce. It has to be expensive.

I would not say that Destiny 2 isn’t profitable.

Gonna put my spinfoil hat on for this one.

I swear by Alton brown's recipe. Though I can never get the onions right, the mushroom sauce is that shit. 

So then, we return to the need for an illustration. Those things are huge and this is hilarious.

How many people that are mad at him actually watched it? Because Dave is clearly very pro trans rights. His “team terf” joke was bad, and hurtful and it seemed like he didn’t even understand what the term meant. Seems he thinks it simply means “believes gender is real”. But even then not as in trans genders are not

What’s funny is he makes fun of you specifically in the special. If you watched the entire special (sounds like you didn’t) and came away with, “Dave is transphobic”, then I don’t know what you were watching. I laughed, I cried, I empathized with multiple parties. This was stand-up at its highest level and i pity you

He didn’t actually say anything offensive. Even though he said that he’s “team TERF”, he acknowledged the fact that the transgender community is having a human experience (people will also notice the tattoo on his hand that says human). Another point he made is that these so-called movements have a tendency to do harm

I see nothing wrong with the email or the special. by nature you aren’t meant to take stand ups literally. I hate when they pull a comics clips completely devoid context and turn them into their stance on something. Removing any tone they have been going for, rather or not they where exagerating for effect, being

Are you mad because he said transphobic jokes, or because he said he is “team TERF”? I don’t remember people caring this much when he had the same exact material, sans JK Rowling, in all of his Netflix specials.

Cry me a river. All you bleeding hearts over edgy comedy need to just... go away.

I’ve watched the special multiple times and I’m not hearing where the offense is coming from. Is it because he claimed to be team TERF? How is that harmful to you or anyone else? You disagree with him, he disagrees with you. We’re entering a territory of sterilization. Actually, he kind of called out what would

Welp, I know how much hay bales weigh so if what that truck is loaded with is approximately 50% of it’s total weight capability then that truck can’t hold shit.

Are you an idiot or do you just not know how to research things. Shatner was the original Captain Kirk on Star Trek. He starred in the show for three seasons, and then about five feature length movies. How can someone working in today’s media not have any idea about iconic, very famous actors.

~8 bales of hay = 2 out of 4 on payload scale definitely seems like a hefty “Margin of error”