
What, were “Batmobile” and “BTTF Flying, Time-Traveling DeLorean” against the rules to pick or something?

What, no love for the Landmaster from Damnation Alley?

No other airlines had nearly the same amount of “cancellations due to weather” did they? Southwest cancelled 30% of their flights compared to 2% on other airlines according to CNN. Might not be a sick-out, but it’s definitely not due to the weather.

Yeah except no other airlines were having issues operating into these areas, no atc delays were recorded other than normal and as an airline pilot, every single person I know that flies for Southwest (which, sure it’s in the low teens but still) has told me that that is what is going on. That’s what a sick out is, it

The first 3 seconds of the video are him saying the exact opposite of what the idiot tweeting this said

Cruz and all of Congress aren’t being made to get the shit or lose their job. Cruz had a choice and he chose what he thought was best for him. He’s only supporting that he thinks everyone should have the same right. 

Yup. I’m reminded of several articles from about this time twenty years ago about parking lots with cars whose owners would never be back to pick them up, and how it was a mournful and melancholy monument to loss and grief.

Thinking about the circumstances that led to these abandoned cars is quite sad. Could be the owners traveled alone and died at their destination with no next of kin to be found. 

She’s firmly in the Loki camp in terms of villains. She’s a villain in context of Wanda, but her motivation for doing what she did was because she viewed Wanda as a threat to reality (which seems to be legit given the teaser at the end).

Because you have to feed content beast known as “streaming services” with something.

person in too deep to admit they’re fucked or a scammer.

lol tldr

Ok. I am confused here.

What the fuck even are NFTs?!?! I’ve read a dozen of articles, and the best I can surmise is “You can tell people you own a picture on the internet that everyone can look at”.  What the hell?!!?

The constant kneecapping of our largest source of carbon free electricity is why this country is up to its neck in cheap natural gas power generation. Due to no small part of the greenwashing industry .

I really can’t believe that nuclear is so denigrated and/or overlooked by so many allegedly green groups.

I gotta jump in here too, in regards to the attacks on nuclear power. Is nuclear power perfect? Nope. It needs to be improved in many ways.

THANK YOU for SCIENCE! It’s nice to see some real fact-checking to this BS articles.

Thanks, I hate when uninformed blog shit posters on this site start attacking things they don’t understand (bitcoin, nuclear power, etc) smh

It also produces radioactive waste, of which there’s roughly 85,000 metric tons in the U.S.