
Someone snuck some Miracle-Gro into his pot when little? Because this one seems a lot beefier...

Dude, you know this is Gizmodo. Irrational and petty is their go-to. They’ve got a huge hate hard-on for Musk.

I’d rather have seen that one, then.   This one was dull and depressing.

Notice something odd? No real merchandise for this movie. Disney loves their merch - and that they didn’t have piles ready for sale made me think that they didn’t have much faith in the movie.

Yep - it wouldn’t have been terribly out of place in the ‘30s, minus the sex. And if we were still in a time where weekly movie serials were a thing, it would have fit in nicely as one.

I’m cynical enough to think that the gay ‘controversy’ was contrived at the last minute because they knew the movie was going to bomb. Also - you remember any merch from it? Disney loves tie-ins, they make a lot off the merchandizing. I’d say they’ve probably made more off Frozen merch than the two movies brought in.

I think they knew they had a bomb on their hands, and that ‘leaked’ controversy was a last-minute attempt to generate interest.

Bland and dull.  And the kids didn’t like it.  They may have been pitching it for more of an adult audience, but... well, that didn’t seem to work either.

The cat saved the movie, IMO.  Still - it’s not one I’d see again.

It just wasn’t a good movie, IMO. The thing about the Toy Story movies is that there was always a kind of joy about them. We knew the characters were toys, THEY knew they were toys, and we could accept that. It worked.

I’m thinking a sandblaster might have been more appropriate for some of the messes I’ve made in pans...  ;)

They got someone else to clean up after them in the retail kitchens, including dishwashers that use really hot water and detergents that contain serious caustics? (I mean, if it comes as a powder with a pH of 14 - that ain’t no OTC dishwasher pod.)

I just roll with it.  Helps that there’s beer with friends afterwards...

“We’re out of ideas! Quick, what can we dig up?”

If they weren’t China’s I’m not sure why they’d have had such an interest.  Likely wasn’t for surveillance - something like Google Street View and Maps would have been an intel analyst’s dream in the ‘80s and ‘90s. Maybe cell-phone network sniffing?

You’d think - and present a bill to the US.

We did pretty well with B-29s.  I’m not too sure how effective bat-bombs would have been.

There’s a big difference between a theme part and an amusement park - and I think it’s lost on a lot of the folks that run the ‘amusement’ parks. I’ve thought some portions of Universal Orlando were rather nondescript, even though the theming would have been easy to do, but other parts were excellent. It’s the little

I’ve worried about the durability of it also. Think I’ll stay with a regular non-folder for a few more years...

Seems like everything in California causes cancer...