
They do it right, don’t they?  Universal tries - but they don’t quite manage the same sort of immersion that Disney’s accomplished yet.

That sort of attention to detail isn’t cheap - and it’s essential for full immersion. You don’t quite get that at Universal - though it’s kind of close in the Harry Potter area.  

Separate you from your money as painlessly as possible... ;)

Same reason they like shitting on Musk. They feel ‘better’ when they can put someone/something down. Disney sucks! SpaceX is crap! Musk is stupid!  Endorphin rushes from dislike and hate can really be addicting.

I’m pretty sure a lot of people driving locally have used GTA5 as their driver education programs...

Depends on how it tastes. Buffalo is/was a meat that was quite expensive and rare because buffalo were darn near extinct until some ranchers figured out they could make good money from them as a specialty meat.

“The price difference is more dramatic for those who mainly recharge at stations. Frequent charging station users pay $14.40 per 100 miles.”

No, it’s not. You can do everything in the rule book (and bear in mind those rules came about BECAUSE someone did something that either killed someone or badly damaged equipment, and there’s likely going to be ANOTHER rule added because of this) - but if the person doesn’t pay attention in a hazardous area they’ll get

I’d suggest getting an induction burner and trying it out for a while before switching over.  If we ever get a new house I’d have one next to a gas cooktop - but I wouldn’t dump what we’ve got for one.

It do, don’t it?  

It’s the equivalent of saying you leak deadly chemicals.

Then they’re fucked if there’s no power.  

Ran into that problem where I worked - the extremely expensive and versatile CAD-CAM system was running on WinXP. And the manufacturer of said system was out of business, so no updates were possible.  We attempted to upgrade it to Win7 - but the software crashed consistently no matter what we did. Emulation mode? Haha

Meh. Born in ‘56, so I’m a boomer - I’ve played with Linux a few times, but not for anything serious. My job was PC & Windows support, didn’t feel the need to go to Puppy, SUSE, Ubuntu or any other variant. Fiddled with them a bit, but didn’t see any real reason to switch my home systems over.

The Kia GDI engine problems in the Soul have somewhat soured me on the brand. I got a 2014 Kia Soul ! and love the thing - it’s easily the best vehicle I’ve ever owned.

Why do I think the original article was written by someone who doesn’t have kids?  ;)

Yeah, there was loads of possibility for merch in this, from airships to animals.

Trouble is, by extension they’re poisoning the well for their animation brand.  That seems counterproductive to me.

Yep. Lightyear was a real downer of a movie and as an origin story (kinda) didn’t really show why Buzz should be considered a hero. (Especially considering he was beating himself up literally at the end...)

Minions was hilarious.