
You could probably get by for a billion each at this point, with launch.

Looking at the Saturn V launch as an example, they likely expected it to be worse.

Now playing

Try watching the slo-mo video of the Saturn V launching. You can be pretty sure there was damage to the pad.  But nothing that wasn’t anticipated, or relatively easily fixed.

Meh.  This is Gawker Media.  There’s no getting through their barriers.

You do when you don’t have any original ideas... and Hollywood’s been pretty thin on original ideas for a long time now.

Hard to maintain interest when you’ve got a year or more hiatus between seasons. That was a pisser all along, you’d get totally invested in a season and -blip- you just had to wait for the next one. 10-12 episodes, and that was it.

Local Whole Foods had 8 charger-only stations a decade back, right up front with the handicapped parking. I’d go there maybe once every couple of weeks, but almost never noticed any of charger spaces used. Fast forward five years - I’m not going to that store much any more, and stop in. Half the chargers are gone, now

I made an AI farm with a ridiculous amount of tankage, then went exploring for a few days while it filled.

Only thing with the Soul is the GDI engine - some, around 100k, start drinking oil like crazy. Had to have my engine replaced at 102k, it was going through about two quarts every 1000 miles. They covered it under warranty, but I started at about 90k with the ‘hey, it’s started drinking more oil’ thing, and they did an

I agree - where are the worst areas? NE? SE, SW, California, Washington? Urban? Rural?

It’s an interesting concept, to be sure. I’d have liked to have seen it in operation. It’s got a retro-modern look that I really like. (Though when it was designed, it wasn’t exactly ‘retro’, was it?)

This is Gizmodo Media. The home for people who hate anything and everything that other people like or enjoy.

It was a freighter, as I recall.


Want to get rid of them too?”

The development of the Mercury, Titan and Saturns back in the day had their own difficulties. But back then the rocket surgeons realized that shit WOULD go wrong, if Murphy were given half a chance. So they worked very hard to make sure that things wouldn’t go wrong. (The development of stable injectors for the F1 was

Yep. There’s severe problems there. And it makes me wonder if anyone in NASA is seriously worried about it enough to either light a fire under their asses to do it right, or just bounce them off the project and get a new contractor in.

Don’t think he’s using it as an excuse - but pointing out that the folks at NASA didn’t take into account the idea that things might go wrong. And he’s right - when that assumption is lacking, your simulations are going to stink.

And not exactly unexpected. 

“If it’s Boeing, it ain’t going.”