
Like Portal 3.  It's not going to happen, but it'd be fun if it did.  But Portal 2 gave sufficient closure...

That’s the difference between seeing what you’re doing as a means of actually achieving your goals (Musk’s obsession with getting to Mars) and as a hobby the way Bezos treats Blue Origin.

Judoon’s always a possibility. But... (shrug.)

Well, they scaled stuff up fast and hard from Atlas through Titan to Saturn - they did a lot of iterative design in the process. (Look at what they did to get the F-1 engine injector plate working as an example of that.)

Yep. Iterative design on the F-1 engines blew up a lot of them until they got the injector plate figured out. And they also did a few first and second stage tests.

I think it depends on what your priorities are. If it’s to ‘keep funding going’, like NASA with the SLS which is dependent on Congressional funding, making a mistake with a prototype dramatically increases the possibility of funding cuts.

True, but it’s also possible to study something to damn near death before you bend the metal to make it.

Bezos looks on the stuff he plays with (like BO) as a hobby. Yeah, someday he’s gonna get everything done, but there’s no real rush to get anything going. (Like BO - what’d he do, hire NASA retirees to work on it?)

Neither was I - but living well, or just plain outliving them, is the best revenge.

My own thought, and I have no idea whether it’s accurate or not, is that there’s some neurochemical rush we get from remembering embarrassing things that gets heavily reinforced time after time. Why? Maybe there’s some survival mechanism involved. Ogg the inept hunter gets laughed at because he slipped on shit when

We’d really need to find a way to ‘remove’ the garbage without removing the lessons we learned from it. Absent that, find a way to smooth out the problematic feelings.

And they matter not at all at this point, but we’ll still beat ourselves up with them. And it ain’t just 10 years. 40 year later I still feel embarrassment about stupid shit. Can’t go back and change it, I learned from it, but does that matter? No - it’ll come back at the strangest fucking times.

Sorry, you’re requiring a display of competence over selection for diversity. That’s not how the whole ‘diversity’ thing works. You HAVE to select for the characteristics you want first, and then hope your applicant pool has sufficient talent. If not, you go with the best that meets the diversity criteria you’re

Also Woke: “What we cheered when you introduced it we now hate because you didn’t anticipate during the development cycle what we’d want NOW, when we didn’t know it ourselves a year or three back when you started. And it’s your damned fault for not knowing.”

(Personal hit points fall) - “Damn, just skinned my knuckles. Better put a supercharger and nitrous in this baby...”

Not like that, I’m pretty sure...

Hate to say it, but I think you’re trying to reason with people who see radioactivity as a binary state. Either something isn’t radioactive (and therefore safe) or it is, in which case it’ll kill you as sure as camping out in the Elephant Foot’s room at Chernobyl for a day or two.

They’re not even reporting the level of radiation - how can you make any judgement without knowing what THAT is?

Could the OP possibly give any info on just HOW radioactive it is or isn’t?

Still trying to score an XBox X - well, life’s a continuing series of upgrades, right? You just gotta choose your upgrade path, and hope for the best.  Problem is, there’s no save points and the upgrade path is rarely clear, lol.