
But Dharna FEELZ so hard! You MUST take her FEELZ into account when judging ANYTHING even though it seems at times she has no grasp of science beyond a fifth-grade level where “My teacher told me this was bad, and I BELIEVE!”

I don’t normally pay any attention to what she writes, because it’s garbage. This continues

Fiat dealer. ‘76. I asked how often the oil needed to be changed on a 128.

Seems to me design should take a back seat to function here.

That’s a problem with being in an environment like Gizmodo - you MUST prove yourself every day in every way possible, lest you be discarded because you’re not sensitive enough.

What? You mean you don’t like the free elevated blood pressure service? /sarc

I love my AT&T fiber - but that’s limited. Out side of a big city, you’re dependent on whatever the local ISP may have, and also dependent on distance from their center. Maybe you can use your phone as a hotspot - I do that from time to time, but bandwidth is limited and if you’re in an area with a spotty signal,

Coming soon to a movie near you! (If the plot requires it... and hell, even if it doesn’t because it’s cool.)  

That’s, as you point out, expensive. Add in a culture where any testing failures are bound to get Congressional scrutiny, with the threat of cancellation of the program if the Senate ain’t happy - and they’re phobic about failures.  

SLS is typical of a committee design, and has all the problems associated with that design philosophy.”

And now social media will haunt people for the rest of their lives. Something stupid you did in high school will destroy you in your 40s - if you attract the mob for whatever reason.

Probably the nastiest part is that they’ll all glom on to the attack and accuse anyone applying an honest lens to the situation of trying to defend a racist.”

I’m thinking if you’re got to dredge back 10-15-30 years to find something ‘offensive’, the person you’re doing the deep dive on learned better... but that’s not an option in today’s climate. People determined to find offense don’t give a damn if what they find was decades back - to them it just happened.

It’s not the people, it’s the BBC. It’s a common thing with their produced shows. It’s almost like they’re thinking “Why bother trying to play to what the viewers want, when you’ve got guaranteed income from the TV licensing? We’ll just put out what we want, when we want, and the viewers can like it or not. It’s not

It was somewhat blurry and oddly dim.  I’m surprised it wasn’t sharper.

Makes you wonder what HIS room would look like under a blacklight.  Or are there just seed pods scattered everywhere?

Don’t.... fall... asleep...

Think Stockholm syndrome....

Seagulls, stop it now!

Funny how ‘Safe’ in the ‘80s became ‘Deathtrap’ in the ‘90s.

That was my method, lol.