The concept of ‘unexpected consequences’ is totally unknown in some circles. After all, don’t ‘good intentions’ ALWAYS equate to ‘good results’ and forestall ‘unexpected results’?
The concept of ‘unexpected consequences’ is totally unknown in some circles. After all, don’t ‘good intentions’ ALWAYS equate to ‘good results’ and forestall ‘unexpected results’?
So you immediately discard it because the site it’s from doesn’t fit your preconceptions? Wow, how open-minded. Got that cerebellum of yours locked down tight, don’t you? Ever open it up to dust it out, or do you figure that gives you extra protection against non-socially approved ideas?
Or, you know, the models were jacked up... and the conditions that applied to NYC (crowding, more crowding, shortening the trains and not sanitizing them and shovelling covid patients into otherwise non-infected nursing homes) possibly shouldn’t have been seen as applicable nationwide?
Wow - your response makes me feel SO VERY MUCH BETTER.
Did you notice the ‘blockquotes’ that don’t work on this fucking site? That was supposed to be a quote from someone else who noticed a local restaurant had stopped a featured item.
Do you have ANY idea how much I hope you’re right? (Not on the ‘big ag’ shit, but the shortages.)
Cut the fucking drama, Karen.
If you’re not economically safe, you’re not going to care about biologically safe when you’re sorting through garbage looking for something to eat. /slight exaggeration, but not by all that much.
“Why should they be punished if the disease isn’t widespread there?”
You do what you want.
Well, it’s staffed with Gawker leftovers - so ‘professional’ to them means generating clickbait outrage, not do quality reporting.
Taste? Subjective?
A literal example of ‘The Dose Makes The Poison’.
Don’t use this shit. You don’t know WHERE it’s been or what it’s mixed with.
I’m 63. Wife and son both had lots of respiratory illnesses the last three, four months. I haven’t had a sniffle. (Oddly, my sinuses are clearer than they’ve been in years. Hmm. Likely no connection.) She works at a hospital, he’s going through a doctoral program, so they contact a lot of folks during the day.
On the good side, the SOBs aren’t gonna stay in office forever.