
What do you think Amtrak is - a for-profit business? Outside of the Acela corridor it loses money hand over fist. It’s massively subsidized.

They’re currently making Sorentos, Optimas and Tellurides.  I think Souls come direct from SK.

I can see that as a Jalopnik article...

The early attempts at VR weren’t terribly good. But the Vibe was quite good visually, enough so that I could feel a fair amount of disorientation when taking it off after a fairly long session of VR gaming.

Oh, they’re sustainable... if you’re at the top. Just like for the Nomenklatura in the USSR, as opposed to the normal folk living (if they were lucky) in the Kommunalka.

Son’s got a 2002 Honda CR-V. I bought it new in 2002, he got it when he went off to college.

Fuck this passive-aggressive BS. 

That the upswing didn’t happen under Obama pretty much shows how effective his policies were. When it looked like the policies would change, the market took off.

I’m looking at a lot of factors. Results matter to me more than rhetoric, and the rhetoric I hear from the Dems is that they’re gonna go back to the ‘kick people in the nuts while telling them they’re ‘helping’ them’ play.

Rhetoric is one thing, results another. Our political class seems to have focused on making promises without thinking about the results of them.

Well, he’s an economics expert! Who should we listen to if not him?

Looking at the candidates, I don’t see any of them planning for the long term - they’re looking at getting into office by any means, promising anything they have to whether it’s credible, possible, or practical, and beyond that they’ll... just do what ‘feels right’, regardless of the results.

I don’t LIKE Trump - but looking at the candidates on the D side I’ll take him as a ‘Least Worst’ choice.

Sure you can. After 8 years of stagnation under Obama, I was figuring Hillary had a lock on the Presidency and the economy was going to stay the same or get worse ‘unexpectedly’. Imagine my surprise when Trump won, and the day after the election the market took off like a jet on afterburners. Trump’s tax cuts have

No money in wokeness?

Fuck yeah. This is BAD news. With any luck at all, the guy will break things off.

If you really want to go green, make ‘em out of cornstarch packing peanut material. We had a guy in shipping who used to snack on the things. He’d bring in garlic salt and just munch away...

Like the Necromancer with the lich...

Not sure. Supposedly you can call the Anomaly/Nexus, but I don’t know what level you need to be at for that.  

Did see some video glitches, and had my geology cannon glitch until I dumped it and recreated it - but overall I’d say 9.5 out of 10.