
Works for me!

The bright spots, roughly the size of a European country,”

So you’re arguing the CDC weekly totals are false?  

(Shrug.) How much worse than a NY subway could it be?

They hate Disney. It’s all about envy here in Gizmodoland. Disney’s expensive and expansive, therefore they hate it more.

Yes - I’ve been following the numbers for the last four months. The big spikes have been in NJ and NY, where they were shoving infected into nursing homes and assisted living facilities - essentially putting them into the most susceptible population possible. (Way to lower your Medicare costs, assholes.)

Haven’t seen it for Universal.  So - might want to go ahead and stage that.  Maybe you can start a trend!

You’ll get better food in Disney Springs, but Waffle House is a lot cheaper...

Deaths are dropping fast from Covid. I was expecting a Memorial Day bump in June - didn’t happen.  

In our state we’ve seen a rise in ‘positive tests’ - but hospitalizations are running about the same, and deaths are actually trending down significantly.  That can always change, of course - but so far it’s going the right way.

Well, that’s how it goes.  She’ll just have to get used to the 2D versions!

Interesting... This is the sort of good technical news I appreciate from this site.

I’d only use it if I have no choice - I’m on the outskirts of a city, but our rapid transit is shit, which depresses the revenue, which leads to cuts, which leads to less revenue, which means something’s got to be cut to maintain minimal standards...  So what’s a 45 minute bad commute can take up to an hour and a

Locally the traffic’s picked up considerably, and it’s like about 20% have lost a lot of their driving ability. Lots of dumb-ass moves. (Seriously, would it kill you (and not me) to NOT wait until the very last 100 feet to try to get over 3 lanes so you can make a turn?)

Completist, eh?  Gotta catch them ALL.  ;)

Can’t think like that these days. One must always be looking for the next new offensive thing, next new indication of racism, next new derogatory signal for... well, anything. If you’re not offended by SOMETHING or SOMEONE enough to burn down or socially destroy whatever it is that offends you, it’s because you’re not

You have to teach racism early. You have to instill it at a young age that there’s people with different skin or beliefs, otherwise your children will call those people ‘Friends’ and not pay attention to those things.

Lol. I worked back in the early ‘90s for a company that did. You could buy stock in the company. I put 10% of my pay in the stock.

That’s a constant.  “I think X shouldn’t exist!” - but they never, EVER seem to think about the ‘unexpected consequences’ of that lack.

Unintended consequences. If you don’t think through and do EVERYTHING you can to frestall them, you’re going to get them.