
“We live or die by Clickbait, gentlemen.  Clickbait keeps the lights on and you assholes employed.

“This is your new room.”

Come to think of it... yeah. I mean, they’ve tried a couple of TV ‘Return to Gilligan’s Island’ things, but that just didn’t seem to get much interest.

It went from SF drama to a SF comedy in the second season, and they needed Smith to turn into a comic foil.

There’s a lot of handwavium I can get around in the interests of a good story. But I only made it maybe into the second episode before something just totally derailed my interest.

Hopefully people will be able to separate China’s history and legends from current-day China’s activities.

Fuck this passive-aggressive BS. 

Clickbait boredom for the win.

There’s a whole lot of tax money from tobacco. After all, those ‘tobacco cessation programs’ established all over require a whole bunch of money.

Something worth putting up... just to remind folks of the scale of radiation exposure we’re looking at...

They can’t risk a repeat of Hong Kong - where they were able to get out their message and let the world know what was happening.

Millenium hand and shrimp!”

Yeah, no ‘meat onna stick’ or ‘sausage in a bun’ - now he’s (possibly) an underworld kingpin with minions? Umm....

Well, fuck. There goes the ‘meat onna stick’ and other dubious goods. CMOT Dibbler wasn’t a snitch, he was an entrepreneur...

I’m worried you might be right.  There’s so many ways this can go wrong, and lose the magic Pratchett had.

Funny, I always imagined Dibbler as a scrawny guy. Well, we’ll see how it goes!

That the upswing didn’t happen under Obama pretty much shows how effective his policies were. When it looked like the policies would change, the market took off.

I’m looking at a lot of factors. Results matter to me more than rhetoric, and the rhetoric I hear from the Dems is that they’re gonna go back to the ‘kick people in the nuts while telling them they’re ‘helping’ them’ play.

Rhetoric is one thing, results another. Our political class seems to have focused on making promises without thinking about the results of them.

Well, he’s an economics expert! Who should we listen to if not him?