
Looking at the candidates, I don’t see any of them planning for the long term - they’re looking at getting into office by any means, promising anything they have to whether it’s credible, possible, or practical, and beyond that they’ll... just do what ‘feels right’, regardless of the results.

I don’t LIKE Trump - but looking at the candidates on the D side I’ll take him as a ‘Least Worst’ choice.

Sure you can. After 8 years of stagnation under Obama, I was figuring Hillary had a lock on the Presidency and the economy was going to stay the same or get worse ‘unexpectedly’. Imagine my surprise when Trump won, and the day after the election the market took off like a jet on afterburners. Trump’s tax cuts have

Hey, just wait for diphtheria. (Shudder.)

Good job on the reporting!  

You cannot keep people from being offended if they’re diligently looking for something to be offended by.

I know. But at least you try. That’s more than a lot of folks do, sadly. And with practice, the mistakes will get fewer and the successes more frequent.

I would be a better person if I tried to be more like him every day.” 

“The.... hand.  H’s got his HAND up...  It’s touching things I didn’t even know I had!!!”

No money in wokeness?

He’s right, though. Why waste the time and effort to attempt to impress people who are already so locked in that nothing would change which team they vote for?

Nice seeing a sequel of a reboot that promises to actually be better than the reboot.

Fuck yeah. This is BAD news. With any luck at all, the guy will break things off.

IMO - ‘Could have happened’, not ‘would have been’. Borlaug started his wheat research in the mid ‘40s, 30+ years before Erlich started spouting his crap. And I’m thinking if he hadn’t been the one, someone else would have gone “Hey, this strain of wheat isn’t affected by rust...”

“Sooner or later we’re gonna be right, and THEN you’ll be sorry!”

Yep. “You’re a hero, here’s your bonus. You’re fired. There’s the door.”

No, you can’t assume that. They did get a response and it was pretty clear by the actions of the characters, we just didn’t know what it actually was.

Well, yeah. 3 lives (for the crew that died) vs planetary destruction...

Your last point - I can see them basically ‘firing’ Roy, warning him to keep his mouth shut, but giving him a hellacious bonus as the man who ‘salvaged the data from the Lima Project’. He may never go into space again, but he may figure he doesn’t need to prove a damn thing at this point.