
This was a painful, dull, dreary, and repetitive movie. Beer was badly needed afterward.

Not for Giz. Clicks keep the lights on and the site going.

If you really want to go green, make ‘em out of cornstarch packing peanut material. We had a guy in shipping who used to snack on the things. He’d bring in garlic salt and just munch away...

Cheery was a decided ‘she’ - it’s just that dwarves all look male. (And apparently that’s caused some problems on wedding nights per Pratchet.) But she really embraces her feminine side... to the point where she even is in a dress at one point.


Ah, Italian and Greek food!  ;)

Taking the scenic route this time?  

$1,999.99! Such a bargain we have for you!

Like the Necromancer with the lich...

Not really - your usual block heater would run maybe 50-100 watts.  An EV’s going to need 5-10 KW/hour to get a good charge in a reasonable time frame...

Or you look at your electric bill and go “Oh, fuck. What can I do without here in the house so I can keep my car rolling?”

“That thing’s got electric windshield wipers. Unnecessary luxury and power drain, Comrade. Replace the two with ONE of these. Not two. You need one hand for steering wheel.”

If you want 24/7 power, there isn’t. If you want intermittent outages like in Australia - then wind and solar are the way to go. (We’re not even looking at the nasty shit that’s needed to construct the solar panels, or what they leach out when they’re broken/disposed of improperly. THAT shit’s gonna be around forever,

Had a friend, mid 20s, who started playing that, and it really hooked her on history.

Not sure. Supposedly you can call the Anomaly/Nexus, but I don’t know what level you need to be at for that.  

“There is no “smoking gun” failure, even his critics acknowledge, but they say Mr. Booker, who was mayor from 2006 to 2013, didn’t help matters with lax oversight of a scandal-plagued water commission, which had a key associate and others with ties to the group facing criminal charges.

Did see some video glitches, and had my geology cannon glitch until I dumped it and recreated it - but overall I’d say 9.5 out of 10.

If I can help I’ll be glad to! Spent about four hours on it last night. The dialog choices (and process) are a bit different now, and you no longer have to give credits, mordite or copper to learn words. (Damn, all those fish dead for nothing! Lol.) But you’ve also got a chance to try out your language skills -

22:00 - “Yeah, lemme just finish this one thing...”