
“Murder on the Orient Express” with Dwayne Johnson? Nope...

Some Has-been.


Or he could just be having fun, and doesn’t take himself too seriously.

And that’s the thing. HE is okay with it - and that’s the only thing that matters. You get the impression he REALLY likes doing what he’s doing, and in the end that’s what matters.

Well, there’s always the Vault-Tech PipBoy 3000 - but that’s really bulky.

Yeah, I ain’t gonna hold my breath on that one...

It’s the only way to be sure...

I’m thinking... no. Hey, I love neat tech as much as the next technophile, but I’m gonna have to have something -BETTER- and this ain’t it. Sliding panels? On my wrist? How thick is this going to be? How heavy?

If you’ve got an AMC nearby, they’ve got their A-List program.  $20 a month for three movies a week.  IMAX and 3D included.

Now if they’d upgrade/modernize the Wireless Optical Mouse 2.0 - never found a mouse that fits my hand as well as that one does.

More of a Fatal Attraction reference - but I lost my job, my car, ended up bankrupt and... damn. It took a while to recover from.

Guy #3 - the Doctor is right. Run the fuck away, you’ve got someone there who wants to control you.  First it’s exes, then it’ll be friends, then it’ll be your parents/relatives...

The thing about good SF is that it has to have at least a semi-plausible setup - and this doesn’t from the start. You start thinking at all critically about the setup and everything crashes.

Quick, order some on Amazon Prime Now!”

Okay, tossed into the sea.

It must REALLY suck.

I kind of liked it - but “City of Ember” really needed to be two movies. One establishing the City and how it worked and intro the characters, moving on to “Hey, the city’s got real problems”... and stopping at a cliffhanger.

“almost all women were killed off by a virus” - Colony fails. May take a while, but genetic diversity’s fucked. Not to mention severe social issues, unless a radical change occurs where polyandry is VERY much the norm. (This is making an assumption that a gender imbalance is going to be on-going. If the birth ratio is

+1 for being a good parent. The kids would love it. We took our son when he really was a bit too young for it, and then again later and he really liked it.