
Never discount the power of a pleasing sound.  ;)

“destroying 59 Windows computers and seven Apple computers”

Pissed at his loan balance, so getting back at the college?

And highly location-dependent, if you’re looking for LOTS of heat.

Saw this Sunday with some friends. Theater wasn’t crowded, but these days they rarely are.

“Mommy! Fluffy’s dead!”

Relativistic bananas aren’t something I’d really want to be around... ;)

Eat them. You’d need to consume... roughly 4 billion bananas over a short period (like a day or so) in order to get 4 Sieverts worth of potassium exposure. (Give or take a few hundred million.)

Yeah - it’s remarkable how the “R” word does that.Ignorance of a subject can lead to panic pretty fast, while some basic knowledge makes you go... “Huh. Why don’t they give actual numbers on the supposed risk?  Oh, wait - it’s clickbait.

It’s by an Italian design firm. Looking at things the last 40 years, a lot of Italian design is about novelty and looking good... not necessarily about practicality or usability.

Maltese Falcon. Bogart was pretty much perfect in the role.

Wasn’t really any way they could improve on it, I think.

Looking at the reception of Dumbo, I’m a bit worried about whether this is going to crash and burn.

Why do I get the feeling that whatever results from this bill will have the opposite effect than intended?

Or so the mantra goes...

So you say. But the urge for profit by providing a service/product that’s better has driven innovation. Without a driver for something ‘better’ and a reward for it, the innovation’s not going to happen.

All that greed - which brought the advances needed for you to get on the Internet and bitch about all the greed.

How about going ‘Cockpit Resource Management is important, and the plane got away from them?’

Might not be able to manually trim it perfectly, but they should have been able to move the trim tabs enough to help with the nose-down attitude somewhat.

Yep. In the heat of the moment, though, they may not have consciously remembered that.