
Could be. But it clearly wasn’t rebooting to a neutral state...

Bingo. That’s the kicker - you run the manual trim all the way one direction or another to compensate for the software, once the system is disengaged you’ll have to run it back.

Last year they stopped recycling glass in our area.

It’s San Fran. Just Republicans? Sure....

Now, let’s make this big office building in Seattle with a very, VERY reinforced foundation... ;)

Some things don’t necessarily need a ‘live’ remake.

“Had we done it right from the beginning, it’s possible America could’ve had a high-speed passenger rail network the way Europe or Japan does.”

I remember this from when I was a kid... way too long ago. Looks like they were aiming at a reboot in 2009, but I guess that didn’t go anywhere.

Heh. Could have used one of these when working on Toshiba laptops. Seemed like no matter how careful you were taking one apart and labeling everything - there were always screws left over, and sometimes it seemed like there were more than you started with.

Heh. Could have used one of these when working on Toshiba laptops. Seemed like no matter how careful you were taking

“Just because you read it in a magazine/Or see it on the TV screen/Don’t make it factual,”  

It would have been a pretty decent stand-alone, but not gotten the numbers it did if it hadn’t been in the SW franchise. You needed a lot of backstory to make sense of it, I think. If it’d been stand-alone (which it wasn’t) it would have been considered incomprehensible without maybe ten, fifteen minutes of

Live by the outrage, die by the outrage.

Re #1 - it wasn’t Trump and his supporters that went nuclear against Gunn’s tweets. It was the Ever Circling Outrage Mob on Twitter who decided to descend and collect his head. (Or so I recall from the time. There were so many who got axed because of rather innocuous crap from 10-15 years back, and it seemed like

Is it cannibalism if she isn’t human in the first place?

Couldn’t have anything to do with the shift to a 24/7 weather reporting cycle, could it?


It does raise a lot of questions, doesn’t it?

Anyone ever see the body? Or... was he cremated and all that went home was a box of ashes?

Locally they’ve stopped accepting glass. Which seems to be a bit odd, but apparently the machines that sorted the recyclables had a tendency to break wine bottles, and the necks would jam the machinery.

Been there, was screwed by that. Besides, aren’t we all supposed to be dead from this already?