
“By the time they launch, the company will also take prescription details to build into the lenses for those who typically wear glasses.”

“Ya might want to leave it. He got it from Linda, who got it from Greg, who got it from Marsha, who got it from... Bob. I ain’t sayin’ the thing’s a disaster magnet, but I’d think twice.”

Haven’t seen STD yet. I haven’t exactly been impressed with the buzz here on IO9 to the point it’s a ‘Gotta see’.

“Look, I know this is uniform company attire... but why are we supposed to put these ID tags on our shoes?”

Nah, you’ve got to consider tech levels. Gelpacks are at least 20 years off.

It’s a surprisingly fun show, and the characters are pretty much ordinary people. It’s not Trek, but it doesn’t have to be.

And plasma conduits. Don’t forget those!

Oh, you’re welcome!

You pick. Personally, I’m getting tired of the joyless crowd who act on the idea that just maybe someone somewhere will be offended, therefore THEY absolutely MUST IMMEDIATELY shut down whatever the thing is as fast and as loudly as possible. And shame the fuck out of whoever dared make it in the process as a warning

They’ve been risk-adverse for decades - since Challenger, really.

The SLS isn’t a serious transportation system, it’s reduced-ration pork designed to keep Boeing, Aerojet, ULA and Orbital’s space sector lights on. SpaceX is eating their lunch when it comes to heavy-lift plans - and it’s clear to everyone. How long has that thing been in the works now? 6+ years?

Dang. No Portal 3, or Half Life 3.

Man, GLADos as Alexa...

No, but the armor will be more comfortable and you can eat tokens if you’re an exo. Also, Cayde’s stashes will include clean socks and fresh celery instead of the burned stalks.

Failsafe... (sigh) - way too much fun listening to the relentlessly chipper voice, then the dour personality comes out with snarky comments.

So you play a FPS to... shoot things? Yep, me too! ;)

There’s some different Cayde responses... and I had one instance of Ikora asking Cayde if ‘Anything happened’ out on Nessus when he gets kind of ... strange.

The Vex are simple Von Neumann machines - reproducing and spreading across the cosmos, with adaptations to local conditions. That seems to be about it, really.

I don’t think we’re going to fare well. But (shrug.) I’ll be long dead in a hundred years, so it doesn’t matter.

That’s what’s worrying me - the accusations have as much force, or MORE than whether or not you did what you were accused of.