
What rules?

People are always complicated. The question arises though - was Walt a horrible person by the standards of HIS time? Or do our magnificently enlightened (and just possibly exceedingly oversensitized) cultural sensibilities of 2017 override any consideration of the man aside from what he ‘did wrong’ by our standards?

It’s always fun to judge and condemn people in the past by our own magnificently enlightened sensibilities, isn’t it? All that self-righteous pride really gives you a good feeling when you do it. And isn’t that the most important thing?

Yep. Sadly, at some point the Uncanny Valley will be overcome, and we’ll likely be subjected to things like:

Brain: Swear to God Snake, I thought you were dead...

Nope. I’m surprised they didn’t find an ‘emergency’ replacement past about the third episode, myself.

I think people felt that once Kim Il-Sung was out of the way, things would liberalize - but Kim Jong-il kept the family traditions going and the world settled down to wait HIM out.

They couldn’t keep things going forever, right?

Then the little psychopath Kim Jong-un took over. And when a member of their elite border

Crack pipe. Definitely crack pipe.

... you end up deleting the series because you need the room for SyFy’s latest reboot of Wrestling Ghost Hunters?

Those are pure and holy and incapable of error. Beyond that, I ain’t goin’. ;)

I’d rather have cold pizza, but you do you, you crazy diamond. ;)

Not talking it down, just using it as an example to show how ‘expert advice’ can change over the years.

Nothing. I prefer cold pizza myself. But it shows how ‘governmental advice’ is kinda variable.

You’re right - but that was ‘governmental advice’ back then.

Interest groups have been influencing government recommendations for decades - back to the ‘30s and before. Hell, they were promoting ice cream for breakfast back then. You look at what they were recommending for a day’s diet, and you just cringe.

Still haven’t. But... that’s to be expected, eh?

They’re playing to their base.

And something we can only dream of. The trouble is they don’t dare take a chance on something that MIGHT not have sequel/reboot/trilogy/universe potential - or indeed not be a blockbuster on the first weekend.

Does the developer get any revenue from GameStop for a resold game?

“... entertaining and that is all.”