
Yep. I agree.

You may have a point there. The problem is possibly expecting ‘key newsmakers’ to be able to put out serious data in 140 characters. Are our attention spans so short now that anything over that is simply TL;DR?

Go fuck yourself, asshole. I check Gizmodo for tech and gadget news, not the maunderings of some Gawker survivor who can’t stay away from politics on an ostensible tech blog.

Wow. A fake fucking Twitter account? I can’t even. What IS the world coming to.

And a lot of it was coming out of other countries in Western Europe, where the reporting on health issues were actually quite good.

(Looks at family health history.) Yeah, I’m figuring I’m more in the 60% range myself. Between the cancers of various sorts my mom had, and the prostate and skin cancers my dad had, and the heart problems my brother and father had - an extra .5% of a cancer risk doesn’t impress me much. You cut your risk factors as

What I’m figuring is that about 75% were sold at the $60 level, the rest were discounted to varying degrees down to a lower limit of $20. So a rough average of the entire group... $45 or so. I might be generous there, depending on how much the stores discounted them to move them off the shelves. (And remember, not all

Very true. But the costs of game development today seem to be a lot higher too. Users expect better graphics, better animation, better everything... and those don’t come cheap.

I liked DS 1 and 2 - but I couldn’t get past the demo I downloaded for 3. It just didn’t grab me the way the first two did.

I doubt they give a shit what they’re called as long as they get paid for the job. (And it’s a thankless one, from what I’ve seen. They don’t get paid enough.)

They’ve tried hard to be as accurate as possible on this one. The list of source material is pretty comprehensive.

I think we’d already be seeing it, especially in the transcontinental pilots and stewardii. It’s not like we don’t have 60+ years of exposure, after all.

Maybe. Remember Chernobyl, and the crap it spewed over Europe? The levels were FAR higher than anything considered safe.

I’ve been pretty happy with my HTC One M8. One thing I’m getting a bit concerned about is that anything I’d be considering as a replacement seem to be going to the ‘glass body’ look. Yeah, it’s slick, but... I’m not worried so much about how it looks as I am about dropping it and all of a sudden that ‘glass body’ is

Yep. Checking off the boxes that ‘ought to work’, never mind whether they do or not. It’s not like THEY care - they’ll make their money and so what if it doesn’t generate enough interest for a 3rd? They’ll be on the lookout for the next big thing anyway...

Sequel. Sigh.

The Hyperloop would be like a friggin’ Lego set compared to the construction of Hoover Dam for this hurricane power tap system.


Um... this is a GMO. Seriously, CRISPR gene editing? “genetically modified wheat strain”?