
“We don’t just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat them unconscious and riffle their pockets for new vocabulary.” 

Kind of looks like it, doesn’t it?

Yeah. They’re hoping you won’t notice until after all that sweet VC money’s disappeared.

97% had no problem with the name?

Nope. His plotting might have been a bit slow, but his science was usually pretty impressive.

This is true. Ideas are one thing, implementations another. And though you can’t have implementation without first having an idea, if you can’t actually GET to the implementation stage it doesn’t matter how appealing and tasty the idea is.

“Shit! I slopped some of this mixture on a hot stove top. I’d better scrape it off before it starts to... to... hey, that’s funny... it seemed to harden. What happens if I try that again?”

Don’t give SyFy any ideas! “Next up, ‘SuperSnakeaSharkanado - The Tightening!’”

Pretty amazing...

If they’ve been tracking the shipments, then you may be right. If, however, he was a sting target they may have conveniently ‘found’ more.

ATF Agent 1: “You see this guy’s channel? Looks like he’s got a whole lot of shit there. We ought to check it out, make sure he doesn’t have anything to worry about.”

Which did more to stop racism? “Blazing Saddles”, or Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton?

That seems... the only reasonable possibility.

#MessageToVoyager Hey, don’t forget the All You Can Eat Buffet that’s waiting for when you come back.

20 years back, it was five years to save the planet from overheating. 15 years back, it was five years to save the planet from overheating. 10 years ago, it was five years to save the planet from overheating. 5 years ago, it was five years to save the planet... from overheating.

Complements are cheap, and Motorola used to be a player in tech - but that was then, and this attempt is really too late to be significant, I think.

I’d agree. There’s likely a specialty niche for it - but that niche isn’t going to be very large. (How many people still take pictures with 8x10 BW film plates, for example? Yes, they love their hobby, but it’s not exactly a booming market for film makers.)

I agree - more parts=more loss. How many SD cards have you misplaced over the years? (I know right where they are - they’re on my desk, maybe 4-5-6 layers down. Maybe.)

So on a scale of “Man, I NEED THIS!” to “Why the hell does it even exist?” it seems this falls right around “Eh. Maybe for some, but not for me.” - right?

I’m thinking it’ll do good to last a full season.