
If the cost of the ticket is equal to or more than an airline ticket, and/or the transit time between SF and LA is more than a direct flight, and/or the convenience factor of taking the train is less (due to numerous stops along the way and having to go to friggin’ Bakersfield for the first leg until it’s down into

I’m not... unhappy as such with Comcast internet - but their TV was crap. But right now I’m getting 120mb down, 40mb up - which is good enough.

Just has to be a hit there - and that justifies their existence.

Clinton had more appeal then, and the media was all for ‘change’ at that point. (Shrug.)

That does seem non-WW2. They had wire recorders back then (precursor to magnetic tape recorders) but the electronics needed were tube based. Semiconductors didn’t come along until the late ‘40s, transistorised tape recorders in the late ‘50s, unless I misremember.

Dammit, stop teasing me! (walks off, weeping quietly) ;)

I can handle that, lol... Supposedly it’s going to be about six more months.

Comcast, when we last moved, was offering a phone/internet combo. We’d signed on and were pretty happy with it.

You’re running for office?

Social graces get you a lot further than brutal, blunt honesty. The epitome of it is when you can tell someone to go to hell so politely they actually look forward to the trip. ;-)

Nah, I see what he posted as more on the order of ‘You should have bought what -I- tell you to spend your money on instead of what YOU decided was a better purchase.’

Something’s gotta change. We’ll see if this does it.

If she’s happy with it - that’s what’s important.

They’re doing interesting things with phages - but the trick is going to be getting it all through testing and deployment.

The problem is there’s not sufficient detail. They MAY have strapped a standard rad meter to it, but that’s not evident.

I’m liking that also. One thing for sure...

Won’t disagree... but like I said, hindsight is 20-20.

I know, but the earthquake and tsunami devastated the region, and somehow the request got delayed.

You’d have thought so, but apparently everything was so fucked up in the region that it was missed... or the folks involved in the logistics effort went “sorry, we’ve got to focus on something else right noW, can this wait until next week?” Or something like it...

It would. Gamma doesn’t bounce, it either gets stopped or it goes through the material.