
That’s MY hangover, not YOUR hangover.

Man, you want to spoil all the fun...

I’ve been trying to ignore it. I’m not sure what was going on with it - but... damn. Are they really having so much trouble finding decent content any more?

Biggest tip - buy something that’ll run it.


Bees as English bulldogs?

Well, sorry about that. But I think you could get a good deal on Raid on Amazon, you can reduce the numbers and keep the narrative going.

Didn’t think we were.

Looks like the bees are doing fine, actually. Funny how when there’s a profit to be made people actually go out and work to increase the number of hives...

If it serves the premise and the plot, why should anyone have a problem with it?

To be fair, brass tools are used because they don’t cause sparks.

There’s your star. You’re welcome.

Really? Last paragraph of the fucking article is -

Nick Denton for publishing rancid clickbait. has a few that should fit your tastes.

Definitely enough Gizmodo.

Only if you marinate in it. Might want to look at the actual history of DDT, not just the ‘Silent Spring’ version. It saved a LOT of lives by killing typhoid and malaria carriers.

You might be right on that - I know mosquito resistance to DDT was developing before it was stopped, but it may be time to check whether a mix of DDT, malathion and permethrin would kill them all.

“Forget it, Jake. It’s Gawker.”

Cut-proof gloves are the klutz’s friend. After 5 stitches in my thumb which I got while trying to separate a 3-d printed item from the raft it printed on, I bought a pair.

Cut-proof gloves are the klutz’s friend. After 5 stitches in my thumb which I got while trying to separate a 3-d