
Hey, gotta pay what the union wants. Otherwise... things happen.

Except the problem there is that as our tech level decreases, what are people going to be using as fuel? Civilization requires power - that power’s going to come from somewhere.

It’s about time.

And I was referring to sea level changes - specifically.

I have an excellent grasp of scale, which is something you seem to be missing.

Based on an article that says “IF x happens then Florida is screwed?” I’d say... never.

This has been something that’s become more and more evident with time - and now we’re seeing stuff like this that go “IF” x happens we’ll lose Florida!

The first rule of figuring out a problem is to decide if it’s actually a problem.

I used to enjoy the science and tech here on Gizmodo, but there’s a lot less of it and a lot more sensationalism. Gotta have the clicks, I guess, but it’s... disappointing.

And THAT’s what’s known as making lemonade out of the lemons life hands you.

I’m thinking Gawker’s getting desperate for clicks. No clicks, no ad revenue. No revenue, no Gawker.

No! Humans can’t adapt! Take them out of their comfortable habitats and they DIE from the temperature shock!

Ain’t gonna disagree with you there. Mold, mildew... it’s just never ending...

A. Math is hard, isn’t it?

New Orleans is ALREADY a wading pool. Take away the dams and dikes, and that city would effectively cease to exist.

“Your standard insurance policy probably doesn’t cover sewer backups (but you can purchase it separately for about $50 extra a year).”

The Universe’s way of saying “Oh, hi, Earth! How are those space programs of yours going?”

“Temporarily disadvantaged...”

Anyone else expect a gigantic ball to come rolling down those stairs?

After fiddling with high-end hobbyist printers (Airwolf and Makerbot) for the last year, here’s what I’m thinking.

After fiddling with high-end hobbyist printers (Airwolf and Makerbot) for the last year, here’s what I’m thinking.