
A severe design deficiency... but in space, the laundry would get sucked toward the ventilation intakes anyway.

Yeah. And badly.

Don’t really care whether you’re satirizing something stupid or not.

Not shot. Defenestrated, from a very tall building...

Really getting tired of the fucking clickbait style titles.

It made perfect sense to me. Think about it on the order of “Damn, it’s cold. Mars on a winter’s night would be paradise compared to it.”

You describe it as a ‘novel’.

My sincere apologies, then. I did take it the wrong way, and misunderstood.

Good luck with it!

When you add in decades of litigation and delays by the no-nuke crowd, the cost to build a plant will skyrocket.

Very interesting...

There’s a good argument for the hormesis effect.

Thermal depolymerization? They had hopes for it, didn’t turn out to be commercially practical. Not exactly a new idea, I’m afraid.

Might want to check and edit that. I think your autocorrect kind of hashed it.

“Disastrously unprepared”? The thing was designed for a Richter 8 earthquake, and rode through a Richter 9 with minor damage.

Got “The Health Hazards of NOT going Nuclear” back in the ‘70s.

“Greg Palast’s novel Vultures Picnic”

Yeah, they had to work at it to get the results they did.

Or get the emergency generators out of the fuggin’ BASEMENT...

So... this was actually a court ruling that shut it down due to ‘safety concerns’, not an actual safety issue.