
It’s not really scalable, I think. More gun laws don’t equal more gun safety beyond a certain point. Look at Chicago, for example. That should, with the strict laws surrounding gun ownership in the city, be quite safe.

Detroit’s walking back their gun prohibitions... and crime is actually dropping. Slowly, but it’s dropping.

Old advertisement for the Colt Equalizer pointed out that the 100 lb woman had nothing to fear from the 200 lb brute.

Had that happen. Girl I was dating showed me her late dad’s .22 pistol. She pointed it at me and said ‘Bang’. I batted her hand aside, told her never to do that, because it violated rules of gun safety. She laughed, told me it wasn’t loaded.

Fair enough. But you’ve got to allow for other people to think differently.

Maybe you need to try taking a gun safety course.

Very true. Knowledge is power.

Why? They can already import them with drug shipments.

So it’s not the PERSON using the gun, just the gun itself that’s scary to you?

Two more years, and they’ll be going “You know, that F-22 wasn’t such a bad plane after all.”

You forgot “Call Miss Isles from your contact list?”

Hmm. “Free Energy”?

Decent according to who’s standards? Because cultural differences mean that what YOU think is fucking abhorrent is simply business as usual for them. And there’s a lot of fucked up cultures around the world - for all the talk about how we have to accept other cultures we need to take a GOOD look and see what we’re

Damaged by the previous relationship, he tried the only way he knew that ‘worked’. It’ll take a while before he realizes it. It’s hard to break the conditioning imposed by an abuser.

Maybe yes, maybe no. Reports I’ve seen were showing mosquitos were developing an increasing amount of inherent resistance to that insecticide. By the ‘70s, it might not have been very effective.

Clearly you’ve already been affected.

Quinine helps with the effects - but it doesn’t stop malaria in the first place. Far better to NOT have those little winged vectors spreading it.

We’ve already been visited with a plague of politicians...

Weren’t we all?

You have my sincerest sympathy.