Jared Lee

I liked this take

Can I get one of those per diems though?

She’s been peddling this same basic thing for years.

Agreed wholeheartedly. Unfortunately, it seems their camp is rife with cognitive dissonance:

Here’s what wasn’t cut and pasted...

If you actually processed any of the above to “leftists can’t be racists,” I honestly don’t know what to say. Please don’t be so reductive. also, fake quote? Obviously you can only deal with straw man arguments...That or you somehow wrongly interpreted a question as a declarative statement. Just being dishonest? Or

The people that disagree with the statement “white people have advantages” are the far left Sanders -Trump voters?

I’m not absolving anybody nor is it my place to do so. I’m just a random dude on the internet. My issue is with someone who singled out “protest votes,” while ignoring other factors. While the average arm chair internet analyst may not have always taken into account these crossover voters, they are not unique to the

This doesn’t actually contradict me that much and this is not as significant as you think.

Brownie points for you! ;)

There’s the rub though. I think the “magical unicorn” thing is overplayed. My personal hypothesis is that Hillary is more fatally flawed as a candidate (in ways that have less to do with Russia or widespread misogyny) than many Democrats care to admit or think about dispassionately enough to acknowledge. It’s easier

I mean, sure. But there are lots of ways we can slice and dice 2016. Forget “protest votes” (which, yes, were high in 2016, but have always been there, so let’s not pretend otherwise), let’s talk about white women who voted for Trump. I guess they were also misogynistic Bernie bros, right?

Give it up, Clintonistas. Bernie voters were uniquely motivated by his campaign in a way that he Democratic base was not. A significant portion of these people were only engaging in the political process because of Bernie. In other words, there’s a nontrivial amount of “protest” votes that never would have benefited

I’ve definitely had more than one negative experience. Luckily I found early in that you scan set your horse posse or crew only, which stopped people from stealing my horse.

Yes and no, the game will send "death riders" after you if there are no players trying to interfere.

You say that as if Hillary didn't give us Trump to begin with.

“Drag has the power to explode sexism, to expose it, by complicating people’s preconceptions and misconceptions about what it means to be a woman. “

Clintonistas really need to decide if y’all think this is a problem or not.

Lolwut? I’m not talking about game mechanics. I’m talking about the game’s virtual representation of real world objects. Arthur’s default hat looks like leather. Either this is a horribly rendered texture with bad lighting choices, or the designers made an a-historical choice to use a material for a hat that otherwise

My personal pet peeve is the hats. They’re....not good. Leather cowboy hats were not really a thing, they would have been fur felt (rabbit/nutria/beaver). The styles are not exactly historically accurate either. The “Estate Boss” hat sort of looks like the famous Stetson Boss Of the Plains, but the clothing aesthetics