Sarah Paulson is perfection and all SP casting news is brilliant news. Brb, gonna go change my ringtone to a montage of her saying goddamn.
Sarah Paulson is perfection and all SP casting news is brilliant news. Brb, gonna go change my ringtone to a montage of her saying goddamn.
This is such an odd argument to me. Why would it stifle conversation? We’re just talking about validating what good instructors already do in class: point out when someone says something inappropriate and address it. It’s not like we’re talking about punishment and a Cersei-style walk of shame every time someone says…
College activists always have and always will misuse ideas they’re just beginning to understand, and college students will always try to game the system. Neither of those things invalidate the core concepts here.
I’m not sure what your point is. How do you think we deal with anything if you can’t get past the idea that consensus is impossible?
Ok dope, thanks! I’m actually teaching in Chicano Studies right now. Some of the radical queer and trans chicanxs in particular have been using it in writing assignments, so I was totally thinking a punk/zine culture connection. The terms Latinx/Chicanx definitely share roots in those subcultures, in their…
Good luck! There’s this weird idea that a union must make everything better for everyone in every situation always or else it’s a failed enterprise. Which is absurd. They attempt to protect workers and force policies in a worker-oriented direction. Those are unequivocally good enterprises even when they fail.
I’m a grad student and a UAW member and I could not be happier about it. All unions are imperfect, but I have a safety net and a support system that help to guarantee my rights as an employee of this institution. If you’re going to base this whole funding thing on employment with the university, how am I supposed to…
I’m not sure its helpful to try to parse out whether this is primarily about race or gender. It will always inevitably be about both, and individual motivations definitely run the gamut.
I think it’s very odd. I hope it’s because they’re following her wishes in remaining silent. Like why not a quick tweet, or an official statement through a rep, or something?
The point is that safe spaces and trigger warnings are meant to mitigate reverberations of trauma... traumas that the University of Chicago as an institution (amongst many other academic institutions) is guilty of mishandling and generally allowing to occur with impunity. Maybe prove that your an institution that…
So glad the student paper has kept up the fight and demanded transparency. This guy was brazen af in his abuse of students. Everyone deserves to know what kind of disgusting faculty behavior is allowed to go on, how long it went on for, and how the administration ultimately dealt with it (accounting for harm to…
Latinx/Chicanx are terms I use regularly, but I’m really baffled by folx. Is it just altered to show solidarity with the genderless x suffix? It seems to come out of nowhere, considering folks has already been adopted as a go-to genderless pronoun without altered spelling. Is it about being queer/trans* specifically?
But much of what arose in white, US popular culture in the 1920s was also directly appropriated from black culture. Appropriation isn’t new- especially the appropriation of black english as mainstream slang in this country.
You don’t think white children are idealized over children of color as part of our white supremacist society? We consistently create media frenzies over the death and disappearance of pretty young white girls from “safe” communities, while brushing aside others. Most notably those of children from communities of…
What a great interview. I could not be more excited for this film. Cruising culture is never dealt with in a nuanced way, and certainly never the cruising experiences of men of color.
baguettes and blood orange pellegrino??
By the same logic that says intersex people are too rare a case to accommodate, couldn’t you also say they’re too rare a case to engage in such an invasive and unethical policy over? I agree that de-gendering (or, better phrased, de-sexing the categories) is a bad idea. I understand that division requires some kind of…
It’s a fucked up passage, but it’s true to how she thought and spoke then. As long as its made clear that the writing comes from a 1970s journal passage, it hardly seems necessary to remove it. Far better that she keep those things in and directly address them in the text than remove them altogether.