
But we already know that the justice system we’re working with, just as it disproportionately convicts and incarcerates people of color, regularly fails to achieve convictions for rape. We are dubious of all decisions made, for good reason. Who benefits from a philosophy that trusts these particular non-convictions?

This whole things keeps reminding me of that old TAL story about the woman who bought a house with a dying man in it and then he refused to die.

This is exactly what I needed to jumpstart my week. This movie looks like so much fun.

The standout of the trailer, though, is Janelle Monáe. Is there anything she can't do??

the hottest take EGR ever took

we miss you Kara. vá com Deus

I was definitely thinking more of a woman in her late 50s like Khandi Alexander or Angela Basset, although Rice was Viola’s age. actresses like Viola, Kerry, and Regina King are already hella busy with tv gigs.

But paps lurk and drive around those cities looking for good shots, so you just have to leave the house to open yourself up to it. It’s definitely not just at major celeb hangouts. They can be where you live, or jog, or buy groceries, or get coffee. I’ve lived in LA and seen individual paps anywhere cause they go

I think a lot of celebrities who have distaste for the paparazzi culture eventually say fuck it and agree to pre-planned “candid” publicity shots because there’s no avoiding the cameras in the first place. The people who do those things all the time (like the Tay’s and Kim’s who live on them), aren’t usually

Both romantic love and sexual desire are foreign and difficult concepts for children- but discussing sexuality isn’t any more or less necessary when discussing gay v straight attraction. If they’re old enough to be explained straight sex, they can and should be taught that sex takes many forms and isn’t predicated on

I know that pointing out the hypocrisy of these anti-trans laws is important. They aren’t actually achieving what they desire, since transmen are still in women’s restrooms under this “biology” rule making the bigots feel unsafe.

He appears to be tilting his neck forward, so I’m inclined to think it’s actually hitting mid-buckle.

He threw in “hoodoo” in his description for good measure— a term that’s purely a racist fucking appropriation of West African spiritual practices to call something unnecessary and out of sorts. The right to use that kind of language without consequence is the hill he wants to die on. It’s the right that he believes is

His behavior is the problem, and yet anyone that is ever honest about this will be “vilifying him.” I’ve met so many guys like this. I can’t say that I’ve ever known one to change, sadly.

Poor Pinky was barely halfway through her expected lifespan. She had many years of joy and dancing left in her. I am v sad.

Sounds about right. They’re only in greater risk in that situation if you believe black people are indeed more dangerous. If the policy was implemented and it cost more police lives than the black lives saved, then we could discuss alternatives. But the system we have right now is proven to result in

Police officers are put under less risk day-to-day than truckers, fishermen, pilots and aerospace engineers, loggers, steel workers, and pretty much every kind of construction worker... So no, their risk is not extraordinary. It’s perfectly ordinary in the grand scheme of things, and they generally get better pay and

I think many of the millions of people who have been helped by the overcompensation of affirmative action would beg to differ about whether correcting for a bigoted status quo is a good idea. This tactic has precedent in our society, for issues that are not so literally life and death. What’s the fear? Legitimizing

Absolutely. There are many ways we devalue black lives, and even more ways that we excuse that devaluation. “Black people are dangerous” might be overused in that regard, but I’m weary of dismissing it when I think so many people have internalized that message.