
This piece would be stronger if it included any analysis of the scene from this episode where the character expresses her own feelings about her treatment.

I hope you already know that many of us will never trust someone who believes that straight old white women can serve as an antidote to straight old white men. Pelosi’s identity doesn’t define her politics, but there is literally nothing about her that is a departure from the hostile status quo. She works to defend

Omg I was singing it as “I eat that lunch meat” for months in front of my friends before anyone bothered correcting me. The song just doesn’t hit the same without it, so I refuse to stop singing it the way. 

The thing that is actually genius about AHS is that nobody can decide which seasons are good and which ones are bad. Do you want grotesque takes on racial violence couched in exuberant but stake-less camp? Try Coven. You want the the fever dream of an aging rave goth acted out by plywood cutouts? Try Hotel. Looking

White people’s racist, self-mythologizing claims to indigeneity are wrong. They don’t have to be tied to tribal membership claims to do active harm. Nobody who understands the issue says she claimed membership in the Cherokee Nation. Tribal membership is denied to plenty of Native folks because those laws are shaped

I would be annoyed too if I was one of the Native writers bringing light to the serious issues of tribal belonging, blood quantum, and flippant self-mythologizations of Nativeness amongst white folks only to have my thoughts and opinions dismissed as manufactured outrage and belittled as not politically significant

It also says her kids are old enough to be in college, right? I think in this case the title of single mother is describing a woman who raised her kid on her own but also now has a romantic partner (who she may or may not have married).

Is there anything actually that special about Davis’ delivery of that line in Beyond the Forest though? Perfectly laced with a discontentment, with ennui, sure, but lacking any exclamation.

Wasn’t Amanda Bynes very clear in her recent interview with Paper (the one Jezebel quoted from last week) that she wasn’t actually struggling with any mental disorders, and was just abusing weed and alcohol together? Pretty sure she said that what really bothered her was everyone diagnosing her with a mental disorder

He was on Graham Norton just a couple weeks ago with Sally Field. And when he was like (bad paraphrasing): all this talk about my penis really makes you think, why is there a double standard for women? Is that a thing??

This piece should be about how music journalism refuses to give credit to women and displaces it onto men who produce their work. Which is a fine little morsel of media criticism from someone like Hazel who also writes about music. But then she insists on like holding Antonoff accountable in a weird way that loses

Even if you believe it is perfectly fine for her family to repeat that oral history amongst themselves, claiming it on the national stage as a righteous self-identification backed up by DNA is gross on many, many levels that Tallbear and countless others have written about already.

It’s not that Warren is insufficiently readable as non-white. It’s that the claims she’s making belong to a set of violent self-mythologies white people have been trading on for generations. These claims do harm to actual indigenous folks, as has been pointed about by numerous people like Tallbear who are experts on

Finally doing the right thing after so many years IS great, but I don’t get why you think it’s so wrong to be snarky about her late arrival to public politics. All of that time that people criticized her for her apolitical bullshit didn’t vanish and cease to matter when she wrote this endorsement. The series of

But, why do you presume that the people who are openly criticizing and mocking him want to “argue away” any good he has done? He has done good. I don’t see anyone here denying that. But that good says zero about any bad he’s done, and vice versa. Do we need to praise him in the media first every time he does something

You pointed to men who were famous and highly successful despite their histories of assault, and then claimed that with a history of sexual harassment and assault Louis CK wouldn’t be famous and successful. You can’t have that both ways. Rapists carry on with successful careers all the time despite public rumors and

His rationalizations rely on logics and assumptions antithetical to feminism. Either he actually believes what he’s saying or he thinks it’s a reasonable explanation to retreat to. Either way, that is interesting if you care about how someone treats and thinks about women.

What I think is truly disappointing is how many people want to respond to this kind of violence with “nuance” as if nuance was going to stop a white man’s club or car or bullet. This is a moment where nuance almost always means “not all white people” and I’m not sure where that conversation is going to get us. Who is

That idea that queer-identified men can’t or don’t sexually assault women is dangerous and short-sighted.

Not a minimum wage worker who can’t afford to miss a day of work? Or a single parent who can’t provide child care? Not someone who serves as caretaker for a family member at home? There are more important reasons to need to get home than needing to treat patients. This story is fucked, but giving priority to a medical