We can all point to anecdotes that support our position. More often than not it’s those personal stories and relationships that inform our opinions.
We can all point to anecdotes that support our position. More often than not it’s those personal stories and relationships that inform our opinions.
If you think this is a 99 to 1 thing, I don’t know how to have a real conversation with you about it. You’re basing your opinion on the idea that most parents are supportive, can and will help their child with self-care and child rearing, and will make the best decision with/for their teen. That’s just not…
I think we can and should be well past “I wouldn’t, but you can” being an acceptable position from male politicians. Because they do not and cannot face that dilemma with their body.
I didn’t mention anyone disowning children either...? I simply stated that parental notification allows parents to coerce or force teens into life-altering procedures they don’t consent to. That’s a fact, whether you agree that it’s wrong or not.
Absolutely. He’s a solid pick all-around and I believe he will/would support abortion rights and justices who defend them. I’m not sure what his real opinions are, either, considering the political calculations in Virginia.
Pro-choice should also mean that you don’t express personal distaste for a decision you will never be faced with making. Pro-choice means you don’t contribute to a culture of shame and impropriety around abortion.
I think his begrudging support for abortion is a problem. He’s a great pick and a truly progressive guy. I like him a lot. But, if I hear him reiterate once during this campaign that he personally is against abortion, that’s one time too many. I’m just hoping he doesn’t.
In what world does an adolescent being forced to give birth help anybody? That is what you are talking about. Not some abstraction about “healthcare” generally.
Unless you intend to pressure your teen into giving birth, this law will not affect you in any “negative” way. If your teenager feels safer making that decision without you, perhaps they are correct to feel that way.
What great news! These kind of laws are absolute bullshit. Adolescents being empowered to make their own informed decisions about their reproductive health can only be a good thing.
I’ve said it befor here, but Julian Castro is completely lacking in the necessary skills and experience. His tenure at HUD has been reported as lacking leadership and necessary wonkishness. While, as mayor of SA, he had approximately zero responsibilities (the city manager runs everything). I like the guy. He’s been…
So many of his televised interactions with women are super creepy. He seems to have such a sense of entitlement. I shudder to think of how he treats women when there aren’t cameras around.
This is my experience too. We always called ourselves Hispanic (maybe Mexicano/Tejano) growing up in TX. But living now in California I’ve started to mostly use Latino/Chicano (or Latinx/Chicanx).
It’s amazing to hear any celebrity name the struggle, even more when its one of the only queer black women with tangible celebrity. Queen Latifah has been an under-appreciated force for queer women 0f color, even as many have rightfully critiqued her for remaining silent as certain times.
He’s trying to prove that he’s an effective balance to Trump. The more we buy into it, the worse off we will all be in the long run when he successfully paints himself a level headed running mate.
He gets to feel whatever he wants, given his history with the character.
No, I’m not at all. That’s why it was surprising! From the article and interview:
I’ve really enjoyed this ongoing takedown of misogynistic magazine profiles and the self-inflated white men who write them.
Larry Tye was just discussing his new Robert Kennedy biography on Fresh Air and dwelled for a bit on RFK’s long friendship with Joe McCarthy. I knew they had worked together, but didn’t know they were such close friends for so long. Which is just to say that I’m surprised by how broad McCarthy’s personal appeal seems…
Absolutely. I tried to say as much. But I really want to de-emphasize fear as an explanation for police violence. Anti-blackness creates that fear in the moment when a black individual is perceived as a greater threat and killed because of it. Thats’a an unavoidable bias that we refuse to openly acknowledge and work…