
This is what happens when the US government and its local police forces execute innocent black folks in the streets as standard procedure. There is nothing good or just about last night’s shooting. There is nothing politically useful about it. This is a tragedy.

Hillary is no fool. She knows more concessions now won’t make him endorse her any sooner. So why, then, would she make concessions she didn’t already intend to make?

The hypocrisy you note is important, but it has to be said clearly that there can’t be any direct comparison between the two.

This is not a smart way to achieve his ostensible goal of pushing the (arguably meaningless) platform to the left. Had he dropped out and endorsed Hillary when everyone agreed he should have, then consistently attacked Trump while pushing a leftist agenda, he could have actually been a force for good. Delivered a

Officially, former Governors and former Presidents are just Mr/Mrs/Ms _______. The titles are reserved for sitting heads of state only. Same goes for cabinet secretaries and House members.

Sure, they’re entitled. But you’re comparing young girls age 8-18 vs college students age 18-25. What could a useless comparison like that possibly prove anyway?

Those criticisms of the Bush twins are as unfair and misogynistic now as they were then. First daughters face way too much shit.

Reading that old interview with Fontaine alongside this one, it sounds like a relatively common scenario. One sibling can’t get over how they were treated by the other as a kid, and the accused sibling responds by questioning the other’s sense of reality. Its bad news bears all around when you can’t escape that

What would stop them from doing so, really?

DeRay is an almost singularly powerful voice in this fight. I’m glad he’s found a position that will utilize his skill base for the short term. I know he’ll keep enacting change in a meaningful way. It’s a great moment for the Baltimore school system.

His staff, his show, his tenor of discourse.

Sansa failed herself in getting that position, unfortunately. She hid her wartime planning and as a result lost all of the glory. She was bad at garnering support in the North. She basically insulted Lady Mormont and made herself look frivolous, fucking up that potential feminist alliance with the best Stark loyalist.

I grew up with the Castro brothers as a major influence on me as a young Chicano in San Antonio. I think Julian is a fine and charming person. But he has zero business being on this list.

I don’t think these secret service costs are even in the top 15 reasons that Sanders shouldn’t be running anymore... But I do wonder what he thinks he’s accomplishing right now?

Wait, so those two pictures aren’t of the same guy? I thought it was like an Urkel=>Urquelle transformation kind of deal from sloppygreazy to sunglass-ed and cool.

I totally get why people take it seriously. These spaces are sacred to a lot of people, and often quite expensive. Nobody wants that experience ruined. But the list of things that can ruin a show are endless, and usually boil down to “we all have different expectations of what this experience should be.”

So what happens in the case of, for instance, a mass shooting? Or, what if a loved one has an emergency and needs to contact you? Apparently you have to get out before you’re able to open and use your phone... is someone able to switch the Yondr technology on or off in a situation like that, and would they actually in

The openness to dialogue and criticism keeps me coming back, despite sometimes disagreeing with the way he chooses to characterize people. I love disagreeing with his advice— keeps things fun. But sometimes he falls back on language that smacks of misogyny or fat-shaming or something and we’re reminded of his

It was lovely and perfect. He’s so inconsistent, though. Wasn’t it also this week’s episode where he criticized that caller’s voice as shrill and scolding and told her she needs to adjust her tone about what she saw as sexual harassment?