
Everyone’s really hating on this video. What’s not to get. The kid’s voice is funny. The semi-mocking admiration for Daniel’s wardrobe is totally endearing. I understand not finding it funny, but what’s so baffling about people liking it?

I never read anything in the Fusion piece that looked like a valuation of worth or of complexity of character.

You could click through and read about it yourself. The article is short. It’s a question of how they earn their living. I think their methods are more than fair.

CLAIRE, NO!!! Get well soon! We need you!

I just don’t really care for his voice the way everyone seems to. Am I missing some essential piece of my humanity?

This story will only be complete when we find out one of her old clients disguised themselves and pulled a long-con as a bookkeeper to get their revenge.

Right. I think it just takes trial and error, working with specific conditions to build community and meaningful support networks across racial and ethnic lines that (as you said) are not very clearly drawn to begin with.

I was talking about non-cooperation as in the choice not to work with the government they’re fighting against.

Oh, I definitely agree. I do think it’s a great moment for the long-term work of BLM, and an essential step forward.

But her issue isn’t with a narrative of cooperation, it’s with a narrative of action. We all know there will be zero concrete results that come from this. This isn’t a meaningful negotiation over actionable policy choices for the White House, it’s a gesture of respect through dialogue with an activist community.

It was directed by Nile Rodgers, co-producer of Last Dance. It’s a shame they decided on such a chaotic medley, though. They could’ve done 3-4 songs in that time and honored Bowie’s work and originality with real theater. Instead what we got was rushed and lacking any substance. Mindless choreography, recitation,

Ooh, this is actually pleasant and fun. Even if it is just a poor woman’s Lovefool.

Yessss. The scenario he imagined also makes zero sense. Taylor was having dinner with a famous friend and sat there on the phone listening to Kanye talk about his stupid lyric for an hour instead? I call bullshit on that. Not just cause it’s rude af but because Taylor has way better ways to spend her time.


There’s such an interesting tension there. Like, absolutely he doesn’t count as an openly gay character. And reading queerness onto ambiguous gender identity doesn’t do us any favors in trying to distinguish gender/sexuality in mainstream culture.

Last time I won a big award I forgot to mention Isla Vanal. So embarrassing.

Well, the debate about the usefulness of marriage equality as a political goal has been going on in LGBT communities for decades now. So it’s not like attacks on marriage as an institution are anti-queer. Some might even say that those attacks are distinctly queer.

Right? I’ve used lighters and electric carvers that require more skill and physical strength to operate than your average firearm. How is that acceptable?

every high school dance team in the country is assembling as we speak to begin choreographing