I’m glad she’s making a claim against not just his position but his presence in “this field in any way.” He has no business working in university administration and student conduct.
I’m glad she’s making a claim against not just his position but his presence in “this field in any way.” He has no business working in university administration and student conduct.
those models look like they’ve contracted some fatal virus, possibly the same one that makes you think vape pens are an “accessory”
Well that brings me to a more deep and pressing question, which is why Colin Farrell?
I guess my main question is why Rachel Weisz?
I think Brie and Alicia had my two favorite looks of the night. They definitely looked like winners— something about the mix of glamour and chillness. But nobody can top Lori Petty.
I definitely want this to happen because I feel like Trump would resort to punching Ted Cruz in the face.
juvenile, privilege-fueled tantrums; substantive dialogue and resolution...
Donald Trump knows how to negotiate and win: whine and refuse to cooperate until you get your way or can convince people you're the victim.
The broader point that separate awards don’t fix the problem is important, but it shouldn’t preclude the creation of community and recognition in separate spaces. Because that community and recognition in marginalized space helps to engender the conditions for collective political advocacy and activism within…
If I were the spirit of Brittany Murphy and I wanted people to know it was me, I would definitely provide a vision of Britney Spears as a clue. It’s only logical.
That might be true, but failing to inform the men about or treat their syphilis caused the spread of the disease to partners and children. Which basically amounts to purposefully infecting black people with the disease.
Chelsea is completely inessential for the few worthwhile moments of this show: watching Fortune Feimster get high af, the wedding chapel director breaking into song a la Rita from Transparent, hearing the white assholes talk about how benevolent slavers were and lying about having a black employee.
Wait, is she saying she wanted to ask someone in first class to switch seats with her? That is... not a reasonable request?
Right? You’re not gonna solve the problem of white optics by having a ton of black actors in servile roles, standing in the background next to every white winner.
The sad thing is, as someone who’s thinking critically about diversity in that way, you’re someone who is actually closer to enacting change and shaking up the discourse. Of course change is not what white benefactors and their institutions for awarding diversity actually want.
Definitely a long-standing rumor. It’s at least in part about racialized gender and the presumption that their failure to meet white gender norms means their heterosexuality must be suspect and generally pathological.
Why would implicit bias have to be an explicit conspiracy carried out by a “sexist cabal” in order to be a part of the show’s production? There’s plenty of evidence for the power of gender bias to shape our decisions, whether we’re aware of it or not. How we decide who and what is innovative, and what personalities…
I don’t like that it might confuse terms that are on semi-fragile ground. But the show is so queer already that I think the audience will be more than capable of grappling with those distinctions.
I wish our school systems were invested in teaching kids how to manage a household and live life. A big part of that is obviously financial literacy, which should be a course unto itself. A course on like nutrition, cooking, and sewing (ooh and maybe gardening) focused around self-care. A course on light plumbing,…
could it be Grandma’s Lip Soother?