
She and this poem are both dope, but I kinda wish she had prepared and delivered it with more purpose? Nicki is a top notch performer. I wanted a performance.

this is the first iteration of bieber that I like literally nothing about. maybe i just hate the music because i can’t separate it from his “i’m all about the music now,” post-apology tour bullshit?

Wait, am i missing something? Details is was totally a magazine for gay men.

Having grown up in Texas public schools in a city with one of the highest teen pregnancy rates in the country, this jives well with my own experience. Girls used oral contraceptives to attempt abortion pretty regularly. Not to mention the even more dangerous methods. It’s a serious problem that’s only getting worse.

Can we all please get over this persistent idea that someone who is being treated for HIV is like a weapon of mass destruction? It’s a narrative that’s made for some great episodes of SVU over the least 15 years, but it’s simply not the lived reality of poz sex in 2015.

The entire cast of friends was actually replaced by look-alikes after season 3, when the actors were abducted by the US govt and sent as specimens to populate a secret space colony.

Damn Jeb, pathetic closer: Whoever wins, give me a dope cabinet position. SoD looks good.

I just wish I didn’t have to look at his villainous rapist face so often. Can’t we replace all Cosby header images with something more pleasant?

My preferred joint rolling tome is Amy Poehler’s Yes Please, which I can then open to any page and laugh and/or cry until my face hurts.

How much is a canister of yogurt? Cause I’m picturing something roughly the size of Jesse Williams’ beautiful bald head.

His movements do look intentional, and seem to line up pretty well with changes in the music. If it’s faked, it’s choreographed really well. I was gonna say that I’m surprised he can operate that turntable so well, but then I’m reminded of all the toddlers I see navigating iPads with no problem at all.

... and both positions will probably be filled by more old white men with zero commitment to racial justice.


Having the mental capacities of a toddler is not the same thing as being devoid of sexual desire. Perhaps it is wrong for anyone to engage in sex with him, but that doesn’t preclude his potential to experience sexual desire or pleasure of any kind. How he understands and deals with potential sexual desire for himself

I adore everything about Shonda, but I’m very much annoyed by books of this type.

It’s useful in any job where you publish or, in the case of legal professions, file. Being more readily distinguishable is always a plus. It’s really the same reason ] someone who goes by their first name would use their middle initial: to help distinguish their (in this case super generic) name from others. Perhaps

I like fist gent. I just wish FGOTUS had the same flow.