
I would just annoy her by mispronouncing her last name as “Biz Markee.”

I like to compress them down into diamonds, which I then wear.

No hating here. I don’t want these guys hated on for their kink, it’s not hurting anybody, but honestly most of them come across as “I’ve found a way for my crippling social anxiety/thought disorders to rule my life in a way that channels away all responsibility for getting help relating to human society.”

I’m a print journalist aka jeans, t-shirt and if you’re lucky, I washed my hair. It’s hilarious when I got to press conferences and the TV reporters are all hot and sexy and then I show up and they’re like, who invited the homeless woman?

That is SOME pig. Terrific. Radiant, even. Is (s)he humble though?

I LOVE 1776.

I confess! I just say I like Hamilton because I want all my friends to think I’m in favor of a national bank and establishing a public credit by assuming the debts of the states. But really I’m all for limited government and an economy founded upon hard money.

There, fixed it for you, Larry.

Exhibit A: Non Stop

I had listened to it so many times that I had the whole musical memorized by the time I actually got to see it. Still cried during “It’s Quiet Uptown”.

Oh my god, this! People who have never been poor do not understand how important it often is to present themselves as well as possible, to be the
“good” poor person who is clearly “trying.” If you can scrounge up the clothes and make yourself look presentable, maybe that job will hire you, or at the very least maybe

My boyfriend isn’t a big fan of musicals so every time I try to explain to him why it’s so brilliant and all the little references in it that are so wonderful and how I earnestly think he’s the next Stephen Sondheim he doesn’t quite get it. But I’ll patter on regardless.


It’s not even about the rap. Plenty of the songs aren’t even rap or hip-hop. Sometimes they shift partway through, like “Satisfied” - Angelica only raps when she’s expressing her inner thoughts directly to the audience.

Weird, this is kind of the same sentiment I had about white people loving Seinfeld and Curb Your Enthusiasm.

Certainly the rapist has no shortage of tears in the photo, so crying isn't indicative of any actual empathy.

No no, you're playing right. Your young padawan has much to learn.

Scene: Me and my 4 year old son playing Star Wars yesterday. I was apparently Kylo Ren and he was “An Evil Jedi”

Yeah, I’m a civilian, but I’d follow these women. They look badass, and have every right to be proud of their heritage.

God, I hate folks like that. They think that people raising the B/P fist are out to kill whites or something.