
Just think of all the mutton that's passed through those doors.

No, there has to be an Aga located in close proximity to the 62yo fridge to hit peak Britishness. I'm still not completely clear on what an Aga is, only that British cannot function without them.

All that craftsmanship, wasted on chilling British food.

This is also shade on the actresses who got the parts she was not offered, right.

I thought you said Shiv Scene at first. Way to dissapoint.

Gosh Madeleine, get with it. In football it’s called a “kit.”

OMG she literally said hi to one of my friends on a comment and it was THE WRONG FRIEND! (apparently, she thinks I only have one friend named Angie, the one she has met. She would be wrong).

The reviews are in!

“Is there a bigger deadbeat/absent mom in Hollywood than Kate Hudson?”

Parent-Normal Activity.

There is already a sequel in the works. Mom friends all my friends on Facebook and comments on EVERYTHING. THE HORROR!!!!


I LOVE that one.

Another female journalist threatened with death...What country is this? For being terrified of Muslims these people sure want to turn america into Iran.

Yep, Peter Jonsson is a fantastic human being and a hero who faced risk to help another person. I want to know about his motivations and his life, which is still promising, not “once-promising.”

Yeah, I’ve always felt a little weird about “once promising” and this is exactly it. Thank you. Like I understand the desire to include “once promising” when someone seems to have their shit together (and/or they are super priviledged) and now their life is going to be very different then people would have expected.

Absolutely great distinction. We use the passive voice all the time in these kinds of crimes which makes it sound like circumstances led to this result, not the individual’s actions.

As soon as a woman has a drop of alcohol in her blood, she becomes an unreliable witness. As soon as a man has a drop of alcohol in his blood, he becomes “not fully in control of himself” and therefore excusable for anything. It’s magic.

You know...there is a part of me that gets the “once promising” thing. Not as a justification or something that was taken away from him. But as something he himself gave up by committing rape. He DID perhaps have a promising career (I don’t know - can you have a swim career unless you are Olympic level? Probably not).

SE Cupp interviewed Carly Fiorina for Glamour and in it she added an editorial about how she wished women cared about tax/fiscal issues as they did about reproductive health issues. That right there was proof enough that Republican women do. not. get. it. For so, so many people reproductive health issues ARE fiscal